Our Hope Never Dies


We all have days when we could use the extra comfort. You know when we are at the end of our rope and just want to hear the words ‘it’ll all be fine’. We have days that we wonder when it would end; when the questions of our future just seems overwhelming and we doubt our own capabilities. I certainly experience these days and with each new unlocked emotion, I learn something new.

Living in Nigeria is not for the faint of heart. Being Nigerian is almost seen as a curse. The stigma and reputation that comes with the name Nigeria is something you can never understand unless you are Nigerian and have had to deal with the consequences of just being one. There are always reservations, the scrutiny and the labelling. Not as if I am not used to all these things but sometimes, when I look around me and see the stuff happening, I am reminded afresh.

Before I go further, I would like to let anyone reading this that I love my country. Do not be mistaken. I am extremely proud to be Nigerian and I carry that badge without shame. However, it does not mean I do not feel my blood boil at the situation ‘Nigerians’ put us in. It does not mean I do not feel like ripping my hair out when I come across any news regarding Nigeria that is usually never good. This is why I have avoided the news and all social apps apart from WhatsApp and Discord. I do not want to see things that would affect my mood or my hope. Hope in this country. Hope that not all is lost and that despite this dark time we are in, we can still find our way out.

I came across a Kenyan dragging Nigeria. It hurt that most of the things he said were true. However, I asked myself, just what can citizens classified as rats in their own country do? I mean it. Our opinions are not valued. The people who are supposed to give us their ears and lend us their voices talk over us and dismiss us. The incident that happened on 20th October 2020 is proof of that. For the first time, Youths rallied because we had enough and what happened? They opened fire on citizens.


What exactly can people who are striving to stay alive do when faced with other options? It is obvious that a starved man in a desert would quickly dive for the loaf of bread without even noticing the wad of cash. I used to think I understood but I do not think I do. Not with how things are going and how far, we have fallen. The Bakers strike in the state I reside really was a revelation to how much we have been robbed. However, once bitten, twice shy. Is this generation of Nigerians willing to stand and defend Nigeria again? We already did that twice and we paid for it.

If I may, I would say that Nigerians are tenacious, ambitious and driven for the reason that where we come from is toxic and full of bullshit. There is a reason we dominate wherever we find ourselves and it is not just passion that fuels our hunger. Hope does. You see, Nigeria despite its insecurities and wahala, we are still very happy people. I do not know any other group of people who still play about social situations and turn dire circumstances into a laughing stock. Maybe that is why that Kenyan man perceives us as unserious, but great people do not dwell on the reason they are stuck. They find a way around that obstacle. You see Nigerians. Their way around is choosing to ignore and rather fight to build a life outside this place. Is that such a wrong move?


I do not know how to explain that our hope is strengthened from within. We find joy in the little things while looking ahead to a better tomorrow. Our men are strong-willed, passionate and full of life despite the despair, the pressures and the pain. Our women are hardworking, self-aware and perceptive despite the obvious shade. Every country has their faults and shortcomings. Nigeria is no different; however, I know deep in my soul, it is a knowledge carved into my very being, that Nigeria is a Great Nation. Yes, we come from mud but does diamond ever become diamond without the pressure and the heat?

This is my response to Day 11 of the JULY INLEO initiative. All Images are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Is your conclusion for me...such a thoughtful word. I am optimistic that after all the heat , we will come out strong and better
The hard times have been real but we will remain hopeful and hardworking


yes mama. It’s the end that counts not where we are coming from .


Hello dear @deraaa 🙋‍♀️

The divisions caused by man have done a lot of damage. However, bringing reasons and facts to our hope helps tremendously to get us through difficult circumstances. 🥀

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Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. 🌟


Hello. Thank you for your comment. And yes, I have supported a few authors too. Thank you.


Living in Nigeria is not for the faint of heart.

Survival of the fittest.

I would say that Nigerians are tenacious, ambitious and driven for the reason that where we come from is toxic and full of bullshit.

That is why we tend to adopt in everywhere or all places we go or get to.


True that. Thank you for stopping by


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Thank you so much Buzzy


That's great @deraaa! We're thrilled with your commitment to Hive! Let's go for this new goal!


These dark days we are experiencing would it ever go away? This is the question I kept asking myself every day, the hope we are having would it ever be felt?

I don't know if I'm still hoping for a better tomorrow for Nigeria cause currently I'm just faced with the reality of the present moment.


That's normal. We can only be concerned about the present and surviving than worrying about a future we have not seen. Keep Thrivinb dear
