Fashion Sense or Fashion Disaster?


I’ll begin by saying, I have zero fashion sense. This is coming from someone who let her mother dress her up for years till she got into that season where she wanted to be noticed by a boy she liked so much.

In fact, I remember how I and a girl, Tessa, grew so close and she told me how seeing me in big clothes annoyed the hell out of her. She said she’d wonder just what I was keeping under all those baggy skirts. It was laughable really.

Back story. Mom and I attended a church (that had healing and deliverance in the name) and I happened to be a worker so, no trousers, no earrings, no makeup, no “tight stuff” and no attachments. I laugh when I think about it now.

As time went on, I wish I can say I grew a little sensible at playing dress up but that unfortunately wasn’t the case. I grew into the tomboy phase that reappeared after a messy breakup. So I was always in baggy pants and baggy tops. I loved (still do) slides and I would buy them more than anything.

One important thing to note about me, to this day, is that I dress how I feel and almost rarely, I go against my feelings. If I wake up with this attitude that I just want to be comfortable and relax all day (happens mostly on weekends), I’ll definitely be relaxing all day in my house wearing shorts, a camisole or tube top, or a mini dress. When I say mini dress, I mean the one that has no clinches and as free as a skirt.

If I wake up and I have to go out but it’s not somewhere very important and I have to look good, I almost always turn to my boyish side. I either go with baggy pants and baggy tops, or if I’m feeling girly, I’ll put on some tight jeans and throw in a top or shirt that allows me freedom. If I’m feeling extra girly, I’ll go with a skirt.

If I feel bossy or I’m on my way to somewhere that required I looked the part, I would look the part.

I have no idea what to do about colors and styles, although soon I will get the hang of it. Tessa, my friend here in Kaduna, took me out shopping once and gave me lessons on how to dress. I do know what I like though. I’m a jean and gown person. I prefer maxi gowns and sundresses on most of my girly days. Heels and Stilettos to finish the look.

But I also prioritize my comfort so I may always go with the easier option which are flats, wedges or block heels. Depends on what I’m in the mood for.

Anyway, that’s me. I’d really prefer if we don’t have to wear clothes though. I wonder what Eve was thinking and I wonder where Adam left his brain at that point. Ahh whatever. They always leave their brain behind in front of a naked woman… (runs away)

All Images are mine. This is my entry to the Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 61


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I can imagine you wearing sundresses and heels. It would fit you more, I guess coz you are tall and have a good body shape.. I like your hair, btw, whatever you do with it,
you have a sense of fashion in your own way !LADY


Oh my thank you Lady! I'm so honoured and yes, I do like moderate heels so wedges most likely.


Okay, I honestly did not expect that concluding part of your post 🤣 crazy Deraa.

You look in skirt just as much as you do in trousers but I'm sure you know which feels more comfortable for you.

Tessa, thank you o 😂


This woman🤣

Thank you and I always feel more comfortable in trousers. Haha


You definitely ate up that last picture. You're so prettyyy!!!
About dressing how I feel, that happens to me a lot. I can wake up and decide to be the bad bitch. That day, my coursemate will hear of me😂. Then, there are says I'll be so tired if life that'll any big t-shirt and trouser I can lay my hands on, I'll definitely put it on. As long as it doesn't require ironing. I hate ironing 😂


I also hate ironing 😂 it’s not me trying to get one very stubborn individual to straighten up. And yeah, we all have our bitch days. Thank you so much for the compliment 🌹


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