Good Health, Eating, Doctors and Processed Foods...


Whatever I go to see my doctor, she always grills me about my eating habits.

Granted, I have a heart condition so good nutrition is an essential part of my staying healthy.


However, based on the questions she asks me, I can only assume that the majority of her patients must eat like shit.

Similarly, she always seems a little bit surprised that I essentially don't eat any processed food. I suppose that makes me almost Un-American in some ways!

Growing up in Denmark and being the child of parents who had a large kitchen garden at all times, I was raised on Fresh food. In the 1960s in Denmark I also don't really remember there being such a thing as processed food in a box... so it just wasn't part of our menu. About as close to "processed" as we would get would be on the rare occasion when my mom would buy a package of frozen fish fillets that had been breaded.


Anyway, I grew up under the impression that food was something you cooked from scratch from fresh ingredients. I suppose I should also add to this that being Danish also meant that I did not grow up in a place that had much of an eat-out culture. Most Danes just don't eat out because going to a restaurant in Denmark is prohibitively expensive!

But getting back to my doctor and processed food for a moment, Mrs Denmarkguy was on a crisis call with a client this evening and I decided I needed something to eat. Since it was already getting late and I wasn't prepared to cook myself a full dinner at 9:30, I decided to poke around in the freezer and found a bag of frozen chicken nuggets that we keep on hand in case we have somebody with kids visiting.

So I popped a handful of these things into the air fryer and set the timer for 12 minutes and... well... got a better first hand impression of why it is I don't like processed food.


I mean... these things looked crispy and golden — and the smell in the air was vaguely of fried chicken — but the whole experience was pretty much like eating a piece of breaded cardboard pulp that tasted vaguely like chicken. Not exactly a culinary success, even when smothered in barbecue sauce!

Normally we do have a fair range of ingredients on hands to make a quick meal for one, but for a variety of reasons most everything in the fridge looked precisely like dinner for two and we sort of have our meals planned out for the rest of the world so that's why I took a chance on these chicken nuggets.

Now, in my defense — and to a lesser degree to the nuggets' defense — I have to confess that when I'm on a long road trip and I don't have a sandwich along, one of the things I do do sometimes is stop at a McDonald's and get McNuggets. Yes, I just said that!


Somehow they taste better when you're on the road and really hungry and your legs have been in a sitting position for many hours!

One thing is for certain. My doctor is never going to know that I had these things for dinner and actually resorted to eating processed food... because I would never hear the end of it! And I just don't have it in me to listen to one of her lectures about how it's clogging up my arteries.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Thanks for stopping by, and have yourselves a great weekend!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2023-07-15 01:49 PDT


8.566 NEOXAG


The only thing in McDonalds I do buy are McFlurrys. Those I cant resist and I admit it openly :D

0.035 NEOXAG

I like double cheeseburgers with extra pickles, and I only eat them when I am on a long road trip. But the last one was awful, so perhaps I am over it.

0.004 NEOXAG

I was never a huge fan of the burgers there. I did have a good wrap with chicken once though.
There was a time I was going for milkshakes mostly.

0.000 NEOXAG

I did not have one of their burgers for years, but the first one I had blew my mind it was so tasty. Now I think they are kind of disgusting, probably because I know too much about how they are produced. Those McFlurries were a big hit with two of my kids. Oreo. They're too sweet and cold for me though!

0.004 NEOXAG

For me, the actual good thing about McDonald's is their coffee, which is also super consistent across the entire franchise. The McNuggets are just passable fuel.

0.000 NEOXAG

I don't remember when was the last time I had coffee there.. or if I ever had any.

Oh I remember they had onion rings too. They were good.

0.000 NEOXAG

It's a good story!

Like you, I eat mostly unprocessed foods, much of what I grew myself these days. But when I'm on the road...

I always buy a share size bag of peanut MnMs when I am on a long road trip.

0.035 NEOXAG

Growing our own food is always best! For me, the road snack is a big bag/ bin of honey roasted peanuts.

0.000 NEOXAG

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

0.000 NEOXAG