My kids celebrating end of the year party tomorrow: a proud mum

Hello mothers Compliment of the season and a happy new week


When the year started it was as if even thing I had planned for my kids will not happen, I wanted my second daughter to start school so I could have time to go out for hustling but the year starting with severe dryness, there was no money to settle for her fees payment not even to talk of the sisters, I felt so bad, most times sad and very angry with myself. I took a bold step when school resumed,took her and the sisters to school and I met the proprietor, told him I will pay installmentally, God willing, he accepted and gave me her accessories.en the year started it was as if even thing I had planned for my kids will not happen, I wanted my second daughter to start school so I could have time to go out for hustling but the year starting with severe dryness, there was no money to settle for her fees payment not even to talk of the sisters, I felt so bad, most times sad and very angry with myself. I took a bold step when school resumed,took her and the sisters to school and I met the proprietor, told him I will pay installmentally, God willing, he accepted and gave me her accessories.


I dropped her off, she cried and as a mother my heart was Disturbed still I was determined so I let her be, two days later, she was so happy to go back to school everyday, she will wake up early, I will bath her, dress her up and drop her off in school, she was wave me bye bye. You know in this world no matter what you do, people will always be people, they will always want to rant and gossip over things that doesn't put food on there table, so people starting talking she is too small to start school, she is still a baby, I'm not supposed to take her to school, she cannot talk , she I this and that and I thank God for myself because I had long closed my ears to petty gossips so I ignored the ranting and today I am a smiling mother.

Tomorrow is their end of the year party and they are very excited about it, I feel so happy seeing the joy in their faces. I went to the market to get few things they need for the party and also getting wool to make their hair today. Soon they will have their hair done as my sister will be coming to the house to fit it up for me and my babies will be ready for Christmas party 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

Soon my first daughter will be celebrating her third birthday on the Christmas Eve (24th) and the sister will be celebrating hers on the new year 5th and I am so happy for their growth, is not easy taking care of kids and attending to their needs in this Nigerian economy but I pull through just like my daughter will ask me: mummy what if is too tough, and she will say mummy say I will pull through it, what if is too hard, mummy say I will pull through it and I am a living testimony because I am pulling through the hardship and the toughness of life. And we are grateful.

#Eliyanah and #Elisheva are grateful.

I am grateful.


