The increase of hard drugs intake amongst youths

Hello everyone,

When I was young, I didn't get to see much of the young people getting involved in drugs. Hardly before you could even hear that young people in my area involved themselves in drugs. I only saw older people who took cigarettes back then but for the young ones, it didn't feel like they were involved.


Fast forward to this day, drugs seems to be the other of the day. Even a child below the age of 18 years now takes drugs as if he is taking water. And one is forced to ask,"how did we get here"?. The rate of the use of drugs by young people is alarming and needs urgent attention by parents and even the government. I was shocked this morning when I saw a very little boy of about 15 years of age or thereabout running mad in the street. His parents were crying and trying to hold him. It was later discovered that he took some hard drugs and was just acting on the effect.

Indeed parents of this generation have failed. You see a mother leave her home and kids as early as 6am and returns home very late at night. By the time you get home, your kids are already sleeping. The next day you get up and continue again. So tell me how you even want to know what's happening in the life of your child? Leaving children like that in the name of going out to hustle, is just exposing them to bad friends who will contaminate their hearts and lead them astray. This also applies to fathers too.

I think it is high time parents started looking into this issue and see how they can curb this menace. Young people no longer want to work these days. They are all looking for quick money, thus the increase in criminality. In my area, a boy was almost lynched because he stole. Luckily the security agencies came just right in time to calm the situation. This boy is just 15 years of age. He went to steal from a shop he claimed he came to buy something from. The woman caught him and raised an alarm. When asked why he stole, he said he wanted to use the money to buy drugs. Just imagine.

I blame parents for failing in their duties. Your number one priority after your spouse is your children. You cannot be too busy to look after your children and attend to their needs. I say this all the time that it is not just okay to provide for your child by taking care of their material needs. How about their emotional needs? Do you take care of that also?

A lot is happening this period and to stop this disgusting attitude which our young children portray now is to ensure that we as parents put an eye on our children. Train them properly. The child you don't attend to today, will be the same child that will disgrace you tomorrow.


You see a mother leave her home and kids as early as 6am and returns home very late at night. By the time you get home, your kids are already sleeping. The next day you get up and continue again.
Your number one priority after your spouse is your children.

I totally disagree with that, but I suppose it's the culture. Parenting does not mean the responsibility is solely of the mother's. I don't see you mentioning the father, who obviously has no responsibility at all.

Yes, it is unfortunate that kids are left unsupervised and get to buy and use drugs at a very young age, but parents should share responsibilities, which include bringing up children as well.


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Thanks for confirming it's your account.


I was going to share the same thoughts...


Different culture, different mentality.


Hi, I feel your concern and it's commendable. However, for me the increase in drug taking reflects some other things that should be taken into account. First the availability has grown enormously. GMOs have created super skunk which is much stronger than the drugs of yesteryear. Also not to mention our society. A sick society produces sick individuals. A lot of time drug use is self medicating. It's just not as simple as blaming the parents.


Yeah the drugs are a difficult situation to deal with for sure! I know that the right circumstances and a little bit of mind alteration has been something human beings have done since the dawn of time but in youth and in an uncontrolled and unsupervised environment it’s very bad. I’ve lost friends to drugs and it’s sad but it’s hard to point to what the cause would be. Family unit yes but I think there’s other factors at play which is tough.
