The struggle of procrastination
“Leave it first, lemme rest. I will do it later”
This statement right here really cause more harm than good to me and i also believe it has too to so many other people, I can’t even count how times I have backed out of so many important things because of procrastination, infact not just backing out it has made me loose interest on project I particularly registere for with my money. Early last year I thought to my self why not look for another stream of income just to increase the financial income but like they say “you have to find money with money”.
I got interested about affliate marketing, heard how people were cashing out and the steady payments they received everyday, it was a good idea to invest on since I just have to work from home and with my cell phone, I got talking with a coach online, she was trust worthy, she told me the amount I needed to pay to buy a course that I would study online to know more the job, at the early stage I was so serious about, I was added to her mentorship group, I was given the course to study and I even opened a tiktok page just so that I could get leverages, at a time I posted videos relating to affiliate marketing on the tiktok page and it got alot of views and likes but none was interested whats in for them after video.
From there i took some steps back, I saw the job was really about referring and trying to talk people into buying what you’re selling, procrastination started to hit in, I saw how other people were going with in the mentorship group but I found myself not flowing although I really wanted to flow with them, I started saying in my mind that I would study my courses the next day, and the next became next week and next week bacame next month, many people were cashing out.
I kept on saying that I will create more flyers and awareness videos for my audience on my social media page but of which I didn’t do untill this very moment, telling myself the truth I let in procrastination and it made me wasted my money, I didn’t achieve anything from paying that money to the coach. And right now I still find myself procrastinating thats why most times I try my very best to do task almost immediately if not i will just end postponing it with no specific date and time.
What I try doing now to avoid postponing task is breaking my task into smaller steps, honestly when I see loads of work I usually get tensed and wonder on how I will be able to finish them, so this has helped alot, I also do my very best to eliminate distractions, i get easily distracted when there’s noise or notifications from other apps especially when I work with my phone, so most times I turn of all the apps that could easily get me distracted. I also start with the easiest task and also visualize the end results, I could say that these steps has helped me alot not just on my work online but also in my homely duties.
**This post is in response to the Scifi multiverse community prompt. If you’re interested? Kindly join from here
Both photos are Ai Imagined
I must confess that on a daily basis, a whole lot of people are still suffering from this procastination and the earlier we start addressing it, the better it will be for us
Yes o, still trying to fight mine everyday
The moment you hear that voice telling you to do it later, just rush and do it don't listen to that voice.
Thanks for sharing.
🤣🤣🤣 I wish I could rush and do it
Hehe the famous words of the procrastinator,
The best ways are listed above, breaking your task to smaller task will stop your from being overwhelmed and get started immediately.