It's my Birthday!・And the Temple Bell Tolls (Plus a Birthday Giveaway)

Today I turn 46! That many years ago in a small hospital in Indiana, at 19:40 central time, I was born. Which means roughly 46 years ago from when this post goes up, I was born! Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life or whether that station will be held by anybody else, this post... will not show. Unlike David Copperfield, I am not quite at the end of my own personal adventure and have yet to see how it all turns out. Good, I hope!

Anyway, with that needless literary reference out of the way, on to the matter at hand: it's now the 7th here in Japan, so by that clock my day is over, but it's still my birthday day where many of you are reading this, so double the celebration! The temple bell tolls.

Temple Bell by Koho

I've previous done birthday posts on Hive for my 40th and my 45th. That's a few to read, so I'll not repeat myself too much here. If you want more reflections than I give here, be sure to go read those two posts. In last year's post both @consciouscat and @opidia gave me fortunes as gifts, a Human Design one and an astrology one. After I write this I'll have to go look up their words to see how accurate the predictions were. I'm not rich yet.... but maybe this next year!

As I mentioned in those posts, I still don't feel my age. Everyone keeps telling my how my body was suppose to start falling apart at age 40—and I've watched as classmates have started falling apart and, in some cases, have already died due to poor health—but I keep going, feeling just about the same as ever. Well, not entirely the same. It is harder to keep up with my kids. But they are still at the age where their energy goes up every year, while mine is probably the reverse. But that aside, I'll credit Japanese food for my good fortune so far. Nattō is suppose to be great for heart health, among other things, preventing plaque and keeping cholesterol low—and I eat the stuff daily—so if we are going to credit anything, let's credit that. I also bike about 3-6 km daily according to my Apple watch, so three cheers for exercise.

If you want to try some, I've written about it before. Wonderful stuff!

Doesn't that look amazingly good??

In a post from the other day, @ericvancewalton wrote:

In this world
beauty is rarely
long with us,
so we must
embrace imperfection,
learn to trust it,
before we rust
into oblivion.

Beauty is, I think, in my past (if I ever had it in the first place), but hopefully I have a ways to go before I rust. As for embracing imperfection... maybe that's why I'm still going. (That and nattō! See above.)

The Temple Bell

The title of this post "the temple bell tolls" refers to one of my favorite haiku. It's a New Years haiku, but also a birthday one, so it may be out of season to print it here but it's not inappropriate.

toshi toranu tsumori narishi ga kane no naru

never to grow old
was my intention...
the temple bell tolls

I've posted this haiku on Hive several times over the years and I've probably translated it differently every time. The gist of it, anyway, is basically what you see there. Old Jokun heard the temple bell ring and he knew he was one year older, then he reflected that he never intended to get old, but it happened anyway. One might be reminded of how the Grinch tries his hardest to prevent Christmas, but it comes just the same.

In old Japan, they didn't celebrate birthdays as the anniversary of the day of your birth as we do these days, but rather all birthdays were on New Years day when your age went up. And when the New Year arrives at midnight, the temple bell tolls its last of 108 times to announce the new year has come. Knowing that bit about birthdays, we can see that same bell also announced everyone was now one year older.

The temple bell tolls...

A Birthday Celebrated

Last year I started a tradition that I want to continue this year. In my favorite fiction book, Lord of the Rings, Bilbo, who is celebrating his eleventy-first birthday, informs us that hobbits don't receive gifts on their birthdays, but instead give them. That seems like a fun idea, doesn't it? Well... since I doubt any of you vultures (I kid, I kid) are going to get me anything, I might as well give something away instead to have a bit of fun.

I'm now 46, so I have forty-six HSBI waiting to go to the first forty-six people to leave comments on this post. To make sure you are reading this post and not just jumping on the bandwagon of free stuff, tell me your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why they're your favorite, or—if you are one of those odd people who don't like LotR—what is your favorite book and why?

Do that and be one of the first forty-six comments and get some HSBI! And if I don't get 46 comments... well, I'll give the leftover units away randomly.

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.


Happy birthday! I'm glad to hear you're not feeling your age. I completely understand the kids having more energy. That part seems inevitable.



Happy Birthday, my friend @dbooster. I hope you had a great time. Although it is an oft-repeated saying, it is worth remembering that as soon as we are born we begin to age, so we can only look at it naturally. Best regards.


Happy birthday 🎉🎂 I hope you had a gigantic Nattō birthday cake with loads of candles 🥂
To your question: I am one of those super-odd peeps who hasn't read or watched Lord of the Rings. My favorite book is "Where Science Meets Spirit" by Brent Philips as it changed my perception of health, science, and physics. The fact that we can tap into the quantum field, "swap ourselves and / or parts of ourselves" and heal has changed the trajectory of my life and how I perceive everything in this 3D realm.


Thank you 😃

I wasn't considering non-fiction books, actually. Mine would probably be something related to haiku or Zen if that was the case. At any rate, that sounds like an interesting book!


Happy birthday to you 🥳🥳



Happy Birthday! Glad you're still feeling well!

As I haven't read lotr, I'll go for the option of my favorite book. My favorite story is 'the red knight'. It's a dutch story about a knight (who wears red dresses) and is experiencing a lot of stories and adventures in the Middle ages.

Actually I first got to know him through comic books. Later I discovered these comics were based upon some real books and ended up reading all these (atleast the ones our library had).


Thank you 😃

That sounds like a great story!


Happy Birthday to you, that's a great post !
I'm the same age as you if I cheat a bit and swap the numbers around, but I feel like I'm 46.


Once you get past the half way mark, I think you're allowed to cheat a bit 😃


Happy Birthday. Wishing for many happy returns. Hope you will continues to enjoy our time in Japan and also at Hive!


Happiest of birthdays to you! I hope you enjoyed your day. I have almost ten years on you and can tell you, at 53, I feel better than I did in my 30’s most days. It’s all about balance in nutrition, mindset, and movement. Try not to listen to the negativity surrounding aging (it doesn’t sound like you do). Also, thanks for letting me know about Natto! I’ve been eating it every day and am looking forward to seeing how it affects my lipid profile. They say it also clears your blood of toxins like spike proteins. Cheers to 46! 🎉🎂


Thank you 😃 The older I get, the more I keep bringing in more positive things into my life and better foods. I'm glad to hear you continue to eat nattō everyday! As simple as it is, it really is one of my favorite foods.


Happy birthday ! Greetings from Paczków Poland, some time ago I was thinking about quotting (or rather posting whole poems) of more classic and modern authors, but my more experienced hive authority said it could be seen as plagiarism if nothing change from original. (Got downvotes ar beginnings couse quotting Wikipedia to make post about interesting to me topics more complete).

Annywaymay you Finder happin3sd and couse of it ! :)

Dunno wut hsbi is but thx ...


Yes, posting the poem alone would probably get you downvoted. But if you offer some commentary, helping people understand it better, then you should be ok.


I wish you a very happy birthday 🎂🎉 may you continue to age gracefully, I wish you great health and lots of happiness.


Happy Birthday! :-D

tell me your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why they're your favorite

Oh, Take your best guess! :-)


Thank you 😃

haha hmm... I wonder...


Congratulations @dbooster !

Although I'm a few months away, at the end of November, I'll also be celebrating my 40th lap around the sun and the anniversary of my existence in this reality!

I'd never heard of Natto, so I did a little research into what it was. Then I looked it up on wikipedia and noticed that it is a traditional Japanese food that is made from the fermentation of soybeans by Bacillus subtilis var natoo! And that's where its name comes from... or maybe exactly the other way around, and it was the food that gave its name to the bacteria that was later identified!

But there is clearly a link between eating fermented, natural products such as Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kombucha.... So many options and it seems that they have even more benefits for the intestinal flora, which has already been proven to have a "link" with good brain function and the immune system. So the connection you make between drinking Nattō and daily physical exercise seems quite logical!

With regard to The Lord of the Rings, although I've only seen the movies and haven't read the books, I'm going to choose a character here to talk about the positive points I find in him. I'm going to choose Tom Bombadil. He's a character who shows an enormous connection to nature and a great joy in being able to communicate with the forest. As he has a more secondary role, he ends up being like Switzerland, and not linked to any of the factions, which allows him to be an observer of the whole story without taking sides straight away. His dedication to the Hobbits makes him a character who is often associated with kindness and love for others.

I hope you had a fantastic day with your loved ones!



There is also a chemical in nattō that has been shown in studies to reduce artery plaque by breaking it up. As far as I'm aware, that is unique among fermented foods and is a major benefit.

haha Tom Bombadil. My kids love him and his songs!


A little belated buy Happy Birthday! Every year they seem to sneak up faster...!


Thank you 😃 They do... faster and faster...


Every year I start to feel more and more mortal... The facade of immortality that came with youth is slipping away!


Happy Birthday to you. With this post I learned that you are a little older than me. I am also over 40 and unfortunately, unlike you, I am beginning to feel the decline. It's harder to lose weight and I get sleepy easily. But fortunately I don't have any health problems and I want to try to improve them now. By the way, I have recently developed a preference for hikiwari.

As for Lord of the Rings, I have actually only seen the first movie. I do remember that my son, who saw the all, was angry at the main character. According to him, the story does not need Frodo as the main character. What I remember vividly is Arwen, played by Liv Tyler. Too beautiful😻


Thank you 😃 I want to try to maintain my condition as long as I can. I'm glad to hear you also don't have any health conditions. My wife sometimes buys hikiwari. I don't mind it, but I think I prefer tsubu. But any nattō is good!
