✨Drawing dreams✨


Since I was a little girl, I chose painting as my first choice of play. My friends couldn't understand how instead of going to the park to play hide and seek, I preferred to be locked up in the house and spend the day drawing, among other things. As you may understand, there was no doll capable of surpassing a box of colors, and if by chance I got one as a gift, I quickly turned it into a new model for my costume designs.


Here I am with the first drawing exercise of this Saturday's classes. A still life.

At school I knew all the love stories of my class, as I was the letter writer for my friends, and between classes I would make a few hearts with flaming roses that would be sent, to each "in love" sender.

I say that it is a gene that I inherited from my family; there are already several generations of people with great manual capacities, @saraleo is the example that they know of it... but there was an event in my childhood that made me abandon this art partially, although I must confess that by force majeure, from time to time I had to throw one or another little drawing, and I never again reconciled myself with the pleasure and the security of doing it fully.


The first thing I do is to take the proportions, capture them and start sketching what I see.

One day in my 7th year, they gave me the news that my grandfather would come to visit us, I shouted to the skies because we lived in a country town far from the city and the fact of seeing each other was very scarce. The man I am talking about was a painter by profession, with incredible abilities, so he quickly became my artistic idol, hahahahahahahahahahahahah... so while waiting for his arrival I spent the time choosing my most remarkable drawings, organizing them in a folder in order of priority, being in the foreground a portrait that in my opinion was the most professional.


Here I am already in the process of lightening and darkening my drawing.

Without extending the thing so much I go directly to the part where my grandfather saw my portrait and with a contemptuous gesture, that I could not describe because I almost forgot his face, he threw my drawings aside saying that they were not good enough (without having seen the rest) and with a comparison alluding to the drawings of someone else ended there my career as a draftsman.


After drawing we moved on to painting exercises. You can see some of my work in the foreground.


Painting a still life in high, medium and low value scale... that is: white, gray and black.

Time passed and an eagle flew over the sea, and I'm still here with the same preferences... of course, only that due to the trauma I changed painting or drawing for handicrafts and sewing. Things, which are not far from art at all. Today I have a store where I sell my creations, which curiously are mostly for children, as if I wanted to please that little girl who still lives in me. Also pleasing her I have gone to take painting classes; I can already tell you that more than a dream it has become a challenge.


After class my friend and I went to a place very close to the classroom to spend some time together before heading home.

The first day of classes I went into shock and in two hours I didn't draw a line, but with the great support I have received I started to loosen up and quickly I was able to start drawing with more confidence. I don't have enough time to practice much, but just by going for two hours every Saturday I feel the progress I've made.

I forgave the aforementioned gentleman, as I realized his poor perception of reality back then and that our talents go beyond what someone considers right or wrong, but are simply the way we have to cleanse our souls.

Because of the level I had reached lately, they suggested that I apply for the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts' auditions. When I made this decision it was crazy - as it was not my goal to be an "artist" - but it quickly became a nice challenge to better myself. Whether you approve or not, I sincerely tell you that it makes no difference, I will be equally satisfied with either option since the fact of reconciling myself with my essence is already the greatest gift, the greatest learning.


Enjoying a little of the light that the afternoon brings.... you know I love it.

As the saying goes, it is never too late. The unconditional support I have received from all those who are there is an embrace to existence itself...and not to mention the wonderful person who carried with me and the suitcase of insecurities I was carrying and did not stop until leaving me in front of a flight with a ticket in my hand to my happiness, overcoming and of course this time I was already without luggage, because I had everything I needed for this beautiful journey from which I do not intend to return. I want to stay in life as a visitor, being the observer no matter who looks, being the voice that sings out of tune but trembling with emotion, no matter who listens. And letting the rays of sunshine into the darkest part of my soul.


I am super happy, because with this photo I serve as practice for my friend for her face drawings.


She, once again, being my support to take flight. Between laughter and games we spent the rest of the afternoon.

I share with you first hand the experience of this Saturday, where like every weekend I am a little more me and a little happier.

Sin título-1.jpg


...and I say goodbye with the last ray of sunshine of that incredible day.

bye bye


All images are my property

- Sony SLT-A33

- Adobe Photoshop 2022

-Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


This is a nice story with a happy ending so far. I'm sorry for what you had to go through due to your grandfather's reaction. As an adult you know it was wrong and that's how you crush a child's dream and ambitions forever. Good thing you followed your heart and ended up where you are now. Good luck with your plans and I'm looking forward to reading your posts.


Thank you very much for your words, it is true that adults are insensitive when dealing with children, the only difference is the way we take everything. Best regards.🙏


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Hello beautiful girl! You are an artist from head to toe! Looking at the positive side of the bitter experience with your grandfather(😔 Why are people like that sometimes?), at least you didn't stop creating, it is stronger than you, the need to express yourself. You transformed, but you didn't shut down. 👏

I hope you start San Alejandro, because it is undoubtedly a very prestigious school, but if you don't, don't give up, because their entrance exams are very rigorous and many times you have to do more with technique than with talent itself. And you have plenty of that.

If it is not the Academy, then for the ISA!!! Whatever it is, the important thing is that you keep training and learning and growing and creating and .... (all these "and" are super deliberate 😜) the most important, being happy!😁

A hug and I hope that soon we can meet personally!!!!!!!!!!🤗


Jane, that's how life is, it challenges us.
When I started writing for the post my intention was to describe my day but without realizing it, it turned into catharsis. telling this and shedding light on it has made me overcome it even more ...and that's how you say, I could never stop in spite of everything.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your very nice footprint. In person you must be a sweetheart, I don't doubt it.❤️❤️🌼


Muy buena historia, que nada detenga tus sueños y te deseo muchos éxitos en la vida, ya eres una artista 👍


Muchas gracias, espero poder seguir creando y compartiéndolo con todos ustedes.🙏


But how much beauty you have inside you mylove.

I know how much life marks us when someone we appreciate compares us, or belittles us, that's why I decided never to compare anyone.

Your essence is pure love, art, feeling, that is not changed or qualified by any person, that was born with you. 🙌🥰🤗🌻

You are a brave and an example to follow that we are always in time to do those that make our souls shine. 🌼


Thank you for your kind words... it's like that, it's never too late to be yourself.😘


Beautiful post my dear @dayanart and the images attest to your work and passion for creating, big love!!!!

Hermoso post mi querida @dayanart y las imágenes dan fe de tu trabajo y pasión por crear, un cariño bien grande!!!


Gracias, acuérdate que somos del mismo día.😂 😉


That inheritance of manual skill and plastic expression has had to be transmuted from generation to generation in the family. My father was also a victim and had to deal with frustrations that in life did not give them very good resolution. They did the same to me but with other colors and now it is your turn to change the game, you came to clean the lineage of all the obstacles that allow us to fly, take off and be happy so that one day we can close our eyes with the peace of those who have fulfilled their task on this plane.

I love you, and here's to your health, your prosperity and your infinite enjoyment on this earth 🥂.


I know your mismanaged history you must have had, for that I don't even blame you. neither do I blame you for receiving it that way, they are just things in life that are there to be overcome. thank you for everything my ray of sunshine.😘


To be honest I would expect nothing less from a family of artists like Sariii. Congratulations, I loved your post.

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Thank you my dear, always so attentive.🙏💙


you Cecilias like to be on top of trees, lol. I really enjoyed your post and all the good vibes you give off. Of course, life is a journey in which we cannot take into consideration what others think of us; in any case, may the opinions of others serve as an impetus to do everything with greater impetus.

I was also the boy who wrote love letters to my classmates in high school. Hahaha I never knew how to draw or paint anything. I would have liked to see the drawing you were doing at the beginning of your post, but for everything else, 100 points. Congratulations!



Yes, apparently it runs in the family.
Too bad I don't keep any drawings from that time, it would be fun. Thanks for stopping by.🙏 ❤️


Que bellezaaaa. Persigue tus sueños. Lo vas a lograr. Éxitos bella... ❤️


Gracias mi querida.
Hasta el infinito y mas allá.
