Greetings, coffee loving humans, how’s it going...
As you well know, one of the products I use the most in my daily life is coffee, both ground and freeze dried instant coffee. This weekend, we went grocery shopping, and as usual, coffee can never be missing from my pantry.
So we bought this Juan Valdez coffee, which is for brewing in a coffee maker, and this other one, which was ordered, is a coffee from a little town called Montebello, where my parents were born and where my paternal grandmother currently lives. I’ve adopted the tradition of buying it every two months or whenever I run out, hehe, to support this product from a land I hold dear.
I use these coffees mostly when my mom comes to visit or for a dish that has a coffee sauce, which I might share here someday if I feel like it, or when I have more time to dedicate to the process.
Also, I learned something new: this coffee is also part of Juan Valdez's portfolio, called Buen Día, and it’s the one my girlfriend takes to work to drink there.
I’m more into black coffee, and my girlfriend prefers her coffee with milk, so I made these two:
Mine is a tinto, which is made with aguapanela (a product made from sugar cane) water, and I add three small spoonfuls of this Juan Valdez coffee with hazelnut notes. Hers is part of hot milk, and I add two spoonfuls of this Juan Valdez Vanicanela, which tastes delicious with the milk and is ideal to serve our visitors in the afternoon, along with some baked goods.
I hadn't shown this gift my friend gave me about a month ago. It’s a mini coffee grinder (of course, it’s a toy), but I thought it was very cute, and it was a nice gesture from him to me.
Well, friends, this is my coffee world. Tell me, have you ever tried Colombian coffee, and what did you think of it?
Thank you very much for reading my post, and as always, I remind you to learn something new, exercise, and seek YOUR HAPPINESS.
Have a beautiful day, blessings...
Saludos humanos cafeteros como van...
Como bien saben uno de los productos que mas uso en mi día a día es el café, tanto el de grano como el instantáneo liofilizado.
Este finde estuvimos haciendo el mercado y como cosa rara no me puede hacer falta el café en la alacena.
Así que compramos este Juan Valdez que es para hacerse en cafetera y este otro que fue por encargo que es un café de un pueblito llamado Montebello donde nacieron mis padres y donde vive actualmente mi abuela paterna, entonces he cogido la tradición de comprarlo cada 2 meses o cuando se me acaba jeje y así apoyar este producto de una tierra que le tengo cariño.
Estos los uso mas que todo cuando viene mi madre a visitarme o para una carne que lleva una salsa de café que algún día si me animo traeré aquí, o cuando tengo mas tiempo para dedicar a este proceso.
Ademas aprendí algo nuevo es que este café también es del portafolio de Juan Valdez llamado Buen día y es que se esta llevando mi novia para el trabajo y tomar allí.
Yo soy mas del café negro y mi novia es mas de tomar café con leche así que prepare estos 2:
El mio es un tinto que se hace en agua de panela o como se conoce aquí **aguapanela **( producto hecho de la caña de azúcar ) y se le agrega 3 cucharadas pequeñas de este Juan Valdez con notas de avellana y el de ella parte de una leche caliente y se le agregan 2 cucharadas de este Juan Valdez **Vanicanela **que sabe delicioso con este lacteo y es ideal para atender nuestros visitantes en una tarde y acompañar con algún producto panificado.
No había mostrado este regalo que me hizo un amigo hace como un mes y es una mini maquina para moler el café ( lógicamente es de juguete ) pero me pareció muy bonita y fue un buen detalle del hombre hacia mi.
Bueno amigos este es mi mundo de café, cuéntame si alguna vez has probado café Colombiano y que te pareció?
Muchas gracias por leer mi post y como siempre te recuerdo aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y buscar TU FELICIDAD.
Que tengas un bello dia, bendiciones...
To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks
The image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.
Simply put, this Juan Valdez coffee must be very special and with the addition of sugar cane, it must have been even more special. I also like black coffee
Greetings brother. Yes it is delicious
I've seen this Juan Valdez around here, but it's a bit expensive :O The truth is that I haven't dared to try it either, and I think you're the first one here that I've seen talking about this coffee.
I have also seen that in Colombia they don't add sugar to the coffee, they prepare it with panela water and they say that it is much healthier.
Yes, Rosmi, this way the coffee is healthier and good Juan Valdez is the premium coffee of my country.