Leaving Behind : A Freewrite

The economic hardship in this country is not something that anyone can pray for, even for his own enemy. But some people actually put out in this trouble and they are even happier at it. I am talking of people who have left the country. They left and they left behind educating. Actually, there is no one to fight for our cause anymore. There is no one to stand in the gap for us at any point in time.

While I’m saying this is because I remember during the time that there was a protest all around the nation, it was so visible in some parts of the country and it was not visible in some parts. And it boils down to how some ethnicity. View hardship that is happening in the country.

It boils down to how some ethnicity actually seeing things from a different point of view. If we have not seen this in a different perspective, I wouldn’t even be telling you, but the hardship in this country is something that we must actually take note of, take care of and be ready to tackle. If we are not ready to take note of it, trust me, things will get out of hand. If we are not aware of it at all, then that means we are foolish of the fact.
