One Wishful Change
"Change is constant", they say. May I also wishfully state that, "change is a lifestyle". Especially for one who desires some sort of achievements in life. Change may not be what we want at a point or time, but certainly can be what we need. It may be what we want at a point or time, but certainly what we don't need. Don't be confused, haha.
The feeling and desire for change can come from a number of factors, ranging from displeasure, disinterest, growth, improvement and the likes. A desire for growth can become a stimulant for change; in the sense that you desire a certain kind of change for certain productivity or heights in life. Same case can be said for improvement as a stimulating factor for one's desire for change. Hence, you find that some persons can desire for a change of location for a certain goal, growth in and improvement of life.
Displeasure and disinterest are also interesting factors that leave one in a dire wish and desire for change. You might recall some persons sharing you stories how they had to quit a job, a thing they were doing, a skill they were learning, all because they lost interest and found no pleasure in it. So, you see, the subject of change runs well enough through our aspects of life.
In trying to relate with the subject of this prompt; change, I find that it can be in different forms or come in different contacts to an individual - a change in character, a change in appearance, a change in behaviour, a change in belief, a change in basic skills... It appeals to different facets of an individual's life, and it is for this reason that people will always have a desire for change.
However, change doesn't just happen, no. There's has to be this proper diagnosis of one's life; attitude, character, behaviour, appearance, and the whole lot of them. After this, with all sincere and true judgement then can one ascertain and agree on an issue, to fix and bring about a change in that respect.
Though life's experience and dealings, and diagnosis of myself, I have come to discover a certain thing, a particular one that I so wish to cause a change in. I had come to terms with some things about life in regards to me, and made changes where need be in many cases and aspects of my life.
If I was to be thrown this question some years back; good number of years, you would be amazed by the answer I would give. Trust me, it would be childish. Today, thank God for growth I know better.
I know what I have and I know what I don't, I know what I like and I know what I don't, I know what I want and I know what I don't. And certainly, I know that one thing I wish for a change is in respect to keeping up to tasks. Yeah, keeping up to tasks, consistently.
I'm one that can plan tasks and activities, and keep up to them at the early – and maybe middle – stages. Nevertheless, as time goes by, the effort and dedication put in tend to diminish. Maybe it stems from the fact that I like to try out new things rather than doing certain ones repeatedly.
On different occasions I plan out tasks and I tend to cut them off, and that to attend to other ones, after a seemingly level of dedication, effort and success on the one already on ground. It's more of a matter of finishing than just starting. Through this then, I have come to realise that it can take more to finish than to start. No wonder, "better is the end of a matter than the beginning". Sometimes these issues arise due to improper utilisation and management of time.
I can't agree less to the fact that dedication to planned tasks and activities is necessary for the achievements of desires and goals; long term ones especially. So, I am aware I have to keep pushing and doing better. There's a reason there are words such as tenacity and resilience, and I think such a reason as one is this.
Wow wow. Change is constant and change is also a lifestyle. We will keep doing better Day by day
Yeah, that's true.
Thank you for reading sir. We'll keep doing better.
Thank you for sharing this great light and not keeping it to yourself,this is super helpful 🙏.
Consistency is just the key to climbing every height in life.
Yeah, that's it.
Thank you for reading through sir. I appreciate your comment.
It's very easy to plan and even start up but continuing with it sometimes takes a lot of discipline.
Yeah bro, serious discipline.
I can't agree less. Thanks for reading.
Change has never been easy. We can only get there if we keep pushing
Your words are right. Resilience is what we need.
Thank you for reading.
I know how it feels to plan activities/tasks and you end up not finishing all of it. I can completely relate to that, too, but like you have said Change doesn't just happen I believe by applying the principle of consistency, we can overcome this.
Just manage your time and be consistent, gradually the change will come.
That's really true. Thank you very much for your encouragement.
I believe with consistency, resilience and proper time management, this is possible.
Thank you for reading @nanawrites
If we want change we must work our way to it, it may not take some time but with consistency and perseverance it can surely be achieved..
Thank you for sharing this with us @daverick
Yeah, that's true bro.
Thank you @ovey10
You have quote it all man!
Due to the fact that, you can't admit "less" to the fact that dedication to planned tasks and activities is necessary for the achievements of desiers and goals.
Change is not mostly constant but a dynamic!
Thanks for sharing with us! @daverick
Thank you for reading bro. I appreciate your encouragements and remarks. @xeeon