Little Adventures - Part 3 - Dreemport Challenge


Source Image by Josh Willink on Pexels

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 3 For Dreemport Fiction Challenge

As an old wizard, divination was something that he had mastered a long time ago. This crystal ball that he held was personally gifted to him by one of the ancient Satyrs who could look into future vividly. Of course no one ever knew that this old man Aporton had informal training in magic too. Chief among them was the divination magic that he often used.
The crystal ball responded with strange vibration, giving off a strange colour. A moment later, it all turned black! A clear sign that death and rot were involved in near future.

A figure appeared in that ball, turning into smoke again.
“I wonder why Alborium II would need to cloak his magic!” the old wizard murmured. Could it be that Alborium II knew why the old wizard had invited him into his home? The crystal ball hidden from the common eyes always took in the signature energy of the guest. To Aporton’s surprise, he found the energy within the crystal ball empty. Aporton was cloaking his magic which would mean he had been hiding something. Only an empty void was displayed. The harder the old wizard tried to read his energy, the stronger the black void became, hiding it all.

Source Image by Josh Hild on Pexels

“Alright then…show me the Hall of the Ancients!” the old wizard spoke, disappointed at his first attempt.
The crystal ball responded with the depiction of a strange figure. It kept on forming, the smoke rising in the crystal ball coming together, forming edges, outlines and finally a solid figure.
The wizard’s eyes were stricken with fear and concern. The solid smoke gathered inside the crystal ball, forming a strange face that had only one left ear, a long pointed one to its side. The pale ornate skin with intense glow of red eyes gave a frightening aspect of this creature as it held a bow with a poisonous arrow. Wearing armor made up of teeth and bones of animals, this creature stood erect, ready to pounce at its prey.

“One eared elves! Why am I sensing their presence? Clearly something is wrong. A sinister plot is at play! Alborium II doesn’t realize but he might be in danger. The elves might be trying to get back at him for halting their attacks before…I need to warn others!” the old wizard spoke to himself. The white wolf stood there, listening to it all like a wise familiar. He knew his master rarely talked about such things with humor. Something serious was going on. Even Orto had understood the seriousness of the situation, now trying his best to take bath by himself. He never liked the smug attitude of Alborium or the voracious behavior of those council members but that didn’t mean he would want to see them destroyed.

Bending on his knees, Aporton came closer to the wolf, throwing his arms around his mare. He hugged his companion who had stood by his side through thick and thin. Whatever he had felt, it wasn’t good. Something big was about to happen soon…
He didn’t wish to say it but there was something in his blue eyes that the blue-eyed white wolf understood at once. He hugged his master back…hopefully they would hug once more once this is all going to be over. Little did he know that he was wrong in presuming it.
“You have been not just a familiar. You have been family to me my dear. Remember, take care of Orto like you took care of me. And by that…I mean don’t let him get into a drinking race with a nymph (smiling at his wolf for a moment), and, when the time is right, tell Orto the truth. One more thing…Liberamus!” the wizard ended the statement with the spell.

Source Image by Luna Lovegood on Pexels

An electric wave traveled across the entire white snowy figure of wolf, his eyes quickly transitioning from blue pupils to brightest of amber. He was free! Yet, instead of letting out a howl of victory, he let out a sigh of pain and grief. Familiars never left their masters, especially if the masters were like Aporton, the kindest old wizard you would see in this place.
That was when the old wizard saw Orto, standing right there while witnessing the snow wolf’s amber eyes. He was free now, wasn’t he? Why had his father done that?
“Take this towel and be ready for school. You must excel in your studies so you can go through the rite of initiation to become a proper spellcaster. I am going to the magisterium to clear a few critical matters…” he spoke to Orto, concealing his overwhelming grief.
Orto’s green eyes noticed the tension. He was mischievous but not dumb. Catching the towel to dry his brown hair, he looked at the old man, trying to understand why father would ask him to go to school with such a down accent.

“I want to come with you!” he spoke, decisive that he would tag along. To his disappointment, he got a firm “no”.
“No! Who will take care of the wolfy? I will be back soon my dear. Come here you!” Aporton spoke, almost tearing up. He couldn’t afford to let his son see him like that. He realized the reason why wizards didn’t have children. And wizards of his caliber…this would only make matters more difficult!
He gave Orto a big warm hug, warm enough to make him forget the worry he had sensed. Orto got back, smiling at his father.
“When you come back, I want to tell you so much about the curriculum they are teaching in school!” Orto spoke to his father.
But he never came back.

Source Image by Pixabay on Pexels

I failed, to complete my Bingo card, this time. 😔

Let our children not grow up in a terrible world. Together we can make it better. It is our destiny to
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
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goes to support @give-cat-food
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Nooooo. I can't believe Aporton saw his own death 😢 So I take it that Alborium II was cloaking in order to hide the fact that Aporton would be walking into a death trap? How ironic that Aporton actually had information to help Alborium and Alborium possibly just betrayed the one person who could have helped him. A good ending... at least Aporton freed his doing so he acknowledged that his end was near... and yet he still walked into it knowingly. Must be a wizard code thingie can only hope that his wolf familiar will stick around now and guide Orto through to full adulthood and wizard mastery !LOLZ !PIZZA


Yes, he knew this was the end. By releasing the animal, he removed it from his duties to protect him. Otherwise, the wolf would perish with him and then Orto would be left all alone, unprotected. No matter how powerful he was, he is willing to do anything for his son - even if Orto is half nymph. Love is stronger than anything.


I failed, to complete my Bingo card, this time. 😔

There's nothing to worry for it. Every time we cannot fulfill what we want. Maybe you passed busy time this week. And that's the reason.


Yep. Work Interviews 😃 so many posts and comments to catch up
