PC Magazine (August 7, 1984)


Cover of the August 7th, 1984 issue of PC Magazine

Cover Stories

  • Framework: An Outline for Thought - A windowing software package that provides outlining functions.

  • Symphony: A Community of Information - An integrated software package from Lotus that provides spreadsheet, telecommunications, word processing and more.


  • The Sharp PC-5000 - A "lap-size" portable computer. For about $2000 you get a DOS compatible machine with 128KB of RAM and an 8-line 80-column display. Options include 3.5" disk drives, 5.25" disk drives, built-in printer, 128K bubble memory cartridge, 64K RAM cartridges and more.

  • CP/M and DOS: At Home in the Kaypro 4 Plus 88 - Kaypro's latest portable Z-80 based computer. This one featured a co-processor board with an additional 256K that could be used to run DOS programs. All for $2500.

  • Project: Database, Part 5 - The 5th in a seven part series on database packages. This part covers Formula II, Manager Version 4.0, Dataease, The Sensible Solution, probase, Metafile Version 7.0, and Pro-Matic.

  • Inventory Management for Retailers - A look at GPS's Inventory Management with Point of sale Invoicing system.

  • NewWord: A WordStar Double at Less than Half the Price - NewWord is a word processor that basically functioned as a WordStar clone. It's big advantage was price at "only" $249.

Table of Contents from the August 7th, 1984 issue of PC Magazine

Pro Columns

  • Micro-Biology - A programs that functions as a database designed to keep track of patient specimens and results.

  • Trainerless Training: Drifting Off Course - A interactive PC training course from Cdex that isn't very interactive.
  • The PC Remedy for a Hospital's Ills - A case study of a Texas health-care center transitioned to an in-house computer system.

  • Micro Insurance - A look at various types of computer insurance that are available.

Table of Contents from the August 7th, 1984 issue of PC Magazine (continued)


  • PC News - Compaq's new PC compatible machine, IBM cuts prices, Canon introduces PC compatible machine, Atari discusses 1090XL expansion system, and much more.

  • A Satisfying Way to Deal with Bugs - Convincing manufacturers to fix buggy programs.

  • A Modest Proposal on Compatibility - Using an install program and customized screen drivers to improve software compatibility.

  • PC Arcade: Hardhats and Bows - Reviews of Hard Hat Mack and Ms. Pac-Man.

Back cover of the August 7th, 1984 issue of PC Magazine

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Books I am reading or have recently read:

Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
Tom Clancy's Op-Center: God of War by Jeff Rovin
Red Sails Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch
