MicroIllusions (1987)


One of the great parts about flipping through old computer or video game magazines are the ads. This particular ad is from the July/August 1987 issue of Info. Info was a magazine dedicated to Commodore computers including the Commodore 64 and Amiga so obviously that is what the vast majority of ads in this magazine were related to. This ad features a company called MicroIllusions.

I am familiar with MicroIllusions mostly via The FaeryTale Adventure. I never actually played it but remember seeing ads for this game many times. This was one of those games that was in my wanted list for a long time but just never got around to playing. They must have advertised that game for at least a couple of years. I was mostly reading RUN and Commodore Magazine at the time so that's where I would have seen ads for this game.

I'm not as familiar with other titles in this ad and don't really recall seeing ads for them. That doesn't mean I didn't of course but these titles definitely weren't advertised as heavily as The FaeryTale Adventure.

The FaeryTale Adventure was a fantasy role playing games along the lines of something like the Ultima series, the Bard's Tale series or the AD&D Gold Box series. The other titles in this ad include Land of Legends which appears to have been another RPG, and Discovery which appears to have been a space themed educational series. There are also brief mentions of Dynamic CAD 2.3, Dynamic world, Music X, The Planetarium, Micro MIDI, and Dynamic Publisher.

The ad states that all of these products were currently being developed for the Amiga and would soon be available for the Commodore 64, PC, Apple, and Atari ST.

Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2024/06/25/microillusions-1987/

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Books I am reading or have recently read:

Shadow of the Dragon by Marc Cameraon
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
Tom Clancy's Op-Center: God of War by Jeff Rovin
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch


That magazine is a relic, it's amazing how far technology has advanced.
