Why we wake up at 3 AM or middle of the night and How to Fix It



Losing sleep is not an easy experience and most people have one time found it difficult to sleep. That's not what I'm talking about. There are times where you're able to go to sleep but you don't sleep for too long and wake up as early as 3am and just can seem to go back to bed.

I didn't used to experience this but reaching mid 30s I've started experiencing this. I spoke with my doctor a few times on the issue and he has made me understand why it happens.

It is not only stress that causes me to wake up at 3 AM. I have observed that other things like irregular sleep patterns, way too much scrolling through my phone and lack of fresh air can interfere with my sleep and cause me to wake up in the middle of the night.

The times you get too engaged on TikTok are usually the times you don't sleep well. Maybe this is not for everyone.

Personally, I realize that keeping a regular sleep schedule helps. Between 9pm to 10pm is my usual sleep time. Going to bed and getting up at same time every day including weekends makes a big difference. My body behaves like I've programmed it. I barely need an alarm to be up by 6:30.

However on weekends it's a bit late, perhaps 7 to 8 am. This really helps my body to know when it’s time to sleep and when it is time for waking up.

Also I have noticed that using my phone just before going to bed is so wrong. It is hard to relax because there is a constant flow of information. With the TikTok and YouTube shots it got worse because there's just so much I scroll through and watch. My brain gets very active thinking about everything I just watched.

So nowadays instead of watching TikTok, I try reading something or listening to some slow music before retiring to bed.

Another really huge factor is fresh air. I have noticed that on the days when I spend more time outside, I sleep better. I think my system needs to get tired in order to be well rested and the only way it can do this is by going outdoors on foot. Even a brief walk during the day makes a difference. I was used to sleeping under the fan, but now I prefer to have the fan and AC off, open my windows wide and enjoy the fresh air from nature and not the air conditioner.

From my own experience, these simple changes I've made is able to prevent those exasperating 3 AM awakenings.

But don't forget that we are all unique so people will have different trricks to help them. When it comes to our health, sleep counts as vital and making slight adjustments may improve our rest. A good night sleep makes from a very energetic next day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
