Saving Money Feels Better Than Spending It



It's pretty easy to fancy buying new things because most of us are envious of others who show off what they've got on the numerous social media sites like TikTok and Instagram.

Let me share with you a saying that has really touched me: "Money looks better in the bank than on your feet." This just literally means that it may be more sensible to save your money instead of spending it on things which won't last.

Here's what Sophia Amoruso advises;

I started Nasty Gal and Girlboss companies. I was broke, but I became successful because of making smart decisions about money.

Her words teaches us to think carefully prior to spending. Choose to save money, it is going to bring long-term victories and it feels better than the short joy of buying something new.

Think of the last time you spent on something you did not really need, like an expensive pair of shoes or a new phone. It felt great at the time, like a reward to yourself, but how long did that feeling last? Not long, and now that item is just another thing you own.

The savings will not only hang around, but really grow. Savings can help in paying for very important things like education, starting a business, or saving money for difficult times. They give you peace of mind that no new item can give.

Saving money doesn't mean that you cannot have fun at all, it's just about making the right decisions and knowing the right times to save or spend. It's all right to reward yourself for hard work, but do well to consider the future. Every dollar saved brings you one step closer to financial freedom, which feels much better than the temporary excitement of a new gadget or piece of clothing.

In a society that often values having a lot of stuff, Amoruso’s words show us that real success comes from the safety and freedom that savings bring. So next time you want to buy something on impulse, think about how much better that money will look in your bank account. Your future self will be glad you saved it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
