LPUD Updates Tomorrow and New UI on Valentine's Day


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(I created this Lion on the Midjourney Discord site. I figured now was as good a time as any to break it out.)

What's Coming

I was reading through the latest AMA update from @scaredycatguide here and realized that hidden in the excitement of launching the new UI Alpha next week, was a little nugget about LPUD (Leo Power-Up Day) updates coming tomorrow, February 10th.

LPUD updates launch Feb 10th check @leogrowth acct to get full details come then!

I'm not exactly sure what those are going to entail but I'm thinking there might be some things worth preparing for.

First of all, we all know that they have added badges to @HiveBuzz for LPUD, just like they've been doing for years with HPUD (Hive Power-Up Day). By participating and earning a badge (must power-up 150 LEO on the 15th of the month), people receive the monthly badge and qualify for monthly delegations from the team and also from some community members, including @onealfa's massive delegation with his "Bad Luck" prize. You can read about that one here. (Definitely worth reading)

There was also a promise that getting these badges was going to be "gamified" at some point down the road and the more you have, the better your rewards will be. Again, what that entails and whether it actually happens is still up to the discretion of the Leo team, but...I want to keep stacking $LEO either way so might as well participate as much as I can.

They also promised an NFT for participating in the "Slaying the Dragon" LPUD last fall.

In other words, the @Khal & Co. seem to be pretty serious about making LPUD a monthly event you don't want to miss.

What I'm Doing

With the "updates" coming tomorrow, and with the fact that Hive is converting at about 8.5/1 into LEO right now, I decided I had better add a little more so I can be ready for whatever comes tomorrow. It may be nothing, or it may be another contest of some sort. Either way, to achieve my yearly goal (which also has promised benefits from the team) I still need to power up another 23k LEO. I'm off to a good start, but as I said in my goals post, if the price starts climbing, it will be much more difficult to gather that much later as opposed to now, when the price is so cheap.

Plus, as we all should know by now, people tend to buy $LEO in the days leading up to LPUD so the price will "probably" spike a little as we get closer to the 15th, and with the new UI being launched on the 14th, all bets are off.

So, to make a long story short, I just went in and converted some HIVE to LEO to bring my liquid LEO up to just short of 5000. After starting the year around 65k, that will take me over 82k LP once I power it up on the 15th, so I will have gotten almost halfway to my goal in the first month and a half.

As I said, if prices stay this low, gathering the rest over the course of the next 10 months shouldn't be an issue. (A few dozen #greta's might do the trick by itself lol ) But if the new UI being launched next week is more successful at bringing new users on board than anticipated, I could see the price going back over 10 cents pretty easily and who knows where from there. That starts to get expensive when trying to buy thousands.

Better safe than sorry in my book.

Not financial advice. Just what I'm doing.

Hive is the Way.
LeoFinance, the Gateway.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I too shall buy more Leo tokens. I have badges from powering up. With all the new features coming out in Leo finance, token should be worth at least 10 cents !


Seems like it is going to be a volatile day to announce new features hehe 😉


😊😉💪 that's an awesome lion!! what a mane on him.. i wonder what shampoo he uses. :P

and good one, adding some LEO to get ready for things..


So excited for New UI and prepared for next LPUD!!!

Things are going to become real exciting and fun ahead!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Now is a very good time to get in on LEO. Things might begin to take off in the coming days.

I feel that this LPUD will be very different from the previous ones. I have more than enough to get that hivebuzz badge for the second month :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't have leo tokens at the moment but I intend to buy them in the coming days and make sure to power up on every power up day. This dapp is very popular and we will see more and more users on it in the coming days which will make it more popular all over the world. And the way its team is working now and giving new updates we will see its price go up a lot in the coming days.


I have came back on hive after 2 years and currently i have only 10 Leo, Will power up those to support the LPUD, I know this is a very little amount, but something is better than nothing. I wish you best of luck for your plan for LPUD.


Oh, so there will be updates regarding the UI tomorrow as well as LPUD. I almost got confused but it makes sense to lay out the rule/guidelines before it starts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
