2022 Goal Review: 3 out of 4 ain't bad
[Source](Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay)
Here we are, less than two weeks from putting another miserable year behind us. The last few years have not been the greatest time to be living on this planet, but what are you going to do? Still beats the alternative. From the "pandemic" to vax-shaming to now the fallout of all the political mismanagement done by people who care more about staying in power than actually doing anything to help their populations. Fun stuff.
But, all that said, the world keeps spinning which means the sun keeps coming up every 24 hrs or so and things still need to get done. Time to look back on my goals from the beginning of the year and see how I did.
2022 Goals
Hive Power
My first goal was: 50k HivePower
With the recent tanking of the crypto markets, including Hive, I have just today bought enough to make sure that goal will be achieved in the next 11 days. I started with around 25k and grew my HP steadily over the year with a couple of strategic buys to help along the way. With todays dip down to 26 cents, I was able to make one final purchase that puts me at 49,960HP. Even if I do nothing the rest of the year, the interest alone should get me there, so I made it. Yay! Next stop, Orca territory....
Leo Power
My second goal was: 50k LeoPower
This one I reached a couple months ago. I started the year with around 30k LP. Again, with the bear market we're in, prices have come down far enough that it doesn't take nearly as much fiat to acquire significant chunks. There were a couple times during the last few months where 1 Hive would get you 8-10 Leo. I used those times to add a bunch and I have now reached over 65k LP. 100k is next.
My third goal was: 10k CUB
This one turned out to not be very difficult. With the price dropping to 2 cents, 10k is only $200. I started with 7000 CUB so it wasn't much of a stretch to get the last 3k. I'm actually closer to 20k CUB now and I've got it locked in earning more every day. I'm still debating what I want to do next. At these prices, it really feels like I should load up a bunch more but...we'll see.
My last goal was: 25k HBD
This goal was a complete miss. In fact, I used the last of the HBD I had saved to buy the Hive I needed to reach goal number one. I don't feel badly about this however. In my mind, the time to be saving stablecoins is not in the depths of a bear market. I actually had this up over 6000 at one point this year, but between Splinterlands and wanting to take advantage of the low prices on Hive, I decided to empty it out and use it to buy things on sale. If and when the markets recover, I can hopefully power down like 10k Hive (or less) and get 25k HBD at that point. Or, better yet, I can focus on just saving it now that I've reached my "minimums" of the above tokens and build up another nest egg I can use when the next bear comes around.
Progress Reports
Anyway, my plan was to do monthly updates on this but I got very busy in real life and never got around to it. Now that we're at year's end and things have slowed down a bit, I thought I'd do an end-of-the-year recap and see where everything stood. It is really amazing how far I've come. At least tokens-wise. I'm not sure the value has changed very much. But, as I said, if and when the bull comes, I will be in much better position to actually lock in some profits without decimating my account. I can't wait.
The Future
In the meantime, I've got a couple weeks to mull things over and come up with new goals for 2023. As I said in my original goals post, I highly recommend people do one of these. Whether anyone reads it or not, at least YOU will have it to look back on and track your progress. It helps make you accountable to your own personal goals and gives you a measuring stick to see your progress and whether what you're doing is working.
You know what they say: failing to plan is planning to fail. Get something down on the blockchain. Five years from now it will be very interesting to look back and see where you were and what you were thinking. At least I think it will be. :-)
So now the planning stage begins for the next 12 months. I think I'll be adding a few more tokens to the list as well as some Splinterlands goals....
Good luck and we'll see you in the new year with my 2023 goals post.
Thanks for reading!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though you didnt achieve all of your goals its still okay, atleast you still achieve some of it 😁...
Yes, I consider it a highly successful year. The HP goal was the big one so I'm really happy to have gotten there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congrats for that by the way 🥳
I would say great work! You failed to achieve all the objectives simply because gai remodulated investments by virtue of market trends and this is a good thing. Compliments!
Thank you. The HBD goal will be something I do during the bull market. In the meantime, I'll just keep building the other tokens at these low prices.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For me too, staying in stablecoin in a bear market is not easy, dips encourage buying. Congratulations, It is commendable that you have achieved many of your goals.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, the key will be to actually move back into HBD when the markets finally rally.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This brought some really good inspiration on goal setting and then crossing them off. Kudos to you for doing great. Congratulations!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, it was a good year goals-wise. It makes me excited to set some goals for next year knowing that a year from now, there's a very good chance I will have achieved them. These things work!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Amazing! I can imagine you will smash any of your new goals for the coming year because you are very intentional.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Man achieves some goals of his life and some remain. Yeah you can buy 25k hive power and achieve your this year goals and looking forward to 2023 goals. My goals for 2023 is to buy 1 lac hive power contribute to hive community. Thanks for sharing.
That's A+ Congratulations on the card for you. Great planning.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A huge congrats! These are some massive numbers at least from my perspective ;). Achieving 75% of your yearly goals is excellent. We often have to sacrifice one for the others. LEO always seems to be the easiest to achieve.
In our life's we don't archives All goal. But we need to focus on our ambition archives and goals. Sometimes we easily archived goal. But sometimes it's very difficult to archive a goal.
Great work hitting those HIVE and LEO goals.
I'll race you to 100K HP in 2023! ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you! That might be a little ambitious for me this year. If the price stays at these levels through the winter into the summer, I might have a chance. But my business takes a hard pause over the winter so I don't have much in the way of fiat to add for a few months. It feels good to finally hit this number though. It's been a long climb. My goal over the winter months is to claw my way to Orca (roughly 56k) and then we'll see what things look like from there. Ideally, I'd like to have that number be my "untouchable" base and then everything above I may try to use to trade and build other things, like HBD. We'll see how it goes...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What I'm doing is keeping 50K powered up and then anything on top of that, using to chase higher yields in things like LPs.
Just gotta make sure the yields are offsetting that impermanent loss!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good job hitting all your goals except for HBD. I'll have to look back at my original goals at the start of the year but I don't think I missed out too on too much. I think a lot of people ended up stopping out of the HBD goal because Hive price went down and that also meant less HBD from posting/comment rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I just couldn't justify keeping the dollars in HBD with these low HIVE prices staring me in the face. It feels like buying HIVE at 26 cents like I did could easily be a 3-4x at some point in the next year whereas the HBD is capped at 20%. Hopefully I'll be smart enough to rebuild the HBD as the numbers go up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome to see those goals being stacked and achieved too. Great year!
Posted via
I haven't reached your level yet but I'm still growing. I like your "100 Hive/day" goal so I'll probably be scrubbing through some of your old posts and using them to help come up with ideas for myself. I haven't tracked it exactly, but I'm going to be going through everything and seeing where I stand right now. If I'm just talking HIVE, I think I'm probably approaching 20 Hive a day. But that's all almost completely passive. If I start commenting again everyday and throw in at least a couple posts every week, I should be able to jump that number pretty substantially. We'll see. Thanks for the kind words!
Those are impressive goals. I really need to step up my posting game and keep buying Hive. I tend to spend somuch of what I buy on dCity and Splinterlands, not much stays in Hive. You balances are making me feel like a slacker for sure, time to step it up in 2023 I guess.
@dagger212, @senstless(2/10) sent you LUV.
market | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
Now is obviously a great time to be stacking Hive. With prices down here, a little can go a lot further. Like I said, that's why I used the HBD I had saved. Hopefully in a few months I'll be able to sell a third, or even a quarter of what I bought to replenish the HBD. We know what the price of that will be....
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