Give Compliment and don't wait anything in return.
We live in a fast-paced era where everything moves quickly, and people are often not as focused on small details as they used to be. If you offer someone a nice word or compliment without expecting anything in return, it makes a big difference. Not only because the person you are talking to feels motivated, but also because you care about people's details and this creates a positive atmosphere around us.
People in our daily lives may need a word of encouragement in a difficult time or even just a word of appreciation. This doesn't have to be with close people only, but even with colleagues or people we see every day but don't know personally. It doesn't matter how big or complicated the words are, it can be a simple word like "You are a special person" or "The way you work is inspiring." If you say this sentence sincerely, it will have a big impact.
Not only that, this compliment is not related to personal interest or expecting something in return. That means don't push yourself into a corner that you have to expect something in return for the nice word you said. If the words come from the heart, they will truly reach the person, and they will be affected by them, and this will be reflected in their behavior with you and with other people.
In the end, if each one of us decided to take the initiative with a nice word for someone, we will build a network of positivity and love in society. Compliments don't have to be directed to one person only, they can be for other things like small situations in daily life, like a smile from a stranger or even someone you see on the street every day trying to help you. A kind word not only refreshes the soul, but also creates a real human connection.