A walk down the Magical Path


Hello AI art lovers!

How are you? I hope you are ok today.

I got too busy earlier that's why I was only able to post. Because the holiday just ended that's why I was catching up on my things to do because I was relaxed in the past few days. So far, I'm still cherishing my recent post about my reaching the 900HP club. Two weeks from now I might finally achieve my 1000HP milestone. I'm really excited about this because it will be the start of my 4-digit stake! For sure, it will take so much more time for me to level up to a 5-digit stake that's why I will do my best to enjoy my journey toward reaching that milestone.

For now, I want to share with you my latest Starry AI artwork. This time, I created something that is inspired by the world of Pandora!

For me, the world of Pandora is colorful and unique, and of course, it's out of this world. I think it's a lot easier to create an artwork when you have a clear direction on what you want the result to be. Me, I'm a big fan of the Avatar movie that's why I used keywords that describe things found in the world of Pandora.

So I hope you like my presentation for today.

"A walk down the Magical Path"

8x - Colorful Bioluminescence Birds In Forest Cove.png

All artworks were created using Starry Ai app

>>> Attack of the Giant Boogeyman and the Killer Pacman! <<<

>>> Attack of the Basilisk & Killer Croc! <<<

>>> Revenge of the Vegetables (eat your salad or they'll eat you!!!) <<<

Curamax Footer.jpg
