Recovering "the forest" of the house and taking advantage of planting. 🌳



We were waiting for some gardening tools that we had ordered to arrive, fortunately yesterday they had finally arrived, so I took advantage of going to the backyard of our house to move a couple of plants that I had planted a short time ago. . Although it will only be 2 plants, I am excited to share with you this work that I did today, joining the cause for a greener planet.

Estuvimos esperando que nos llegaran unas herramientas para jardinería que habíamos encargado, afortunadamente ayer ya por fin había llegado, por lo que aproveché de ir al patio de atrás de nuestra casa para mover de lugar un par de plantas que había sembrado hacía ya un poco tiempo. Aunque solo serán 2 plantas nada más, estoy emocionado con compartirles esta labor que hice hoy, uniéndome a la causa por un planeta más verde.


If I'm not mistaken, I had already shown a photo of here a long time ago, as this area in which we previously lived was a forest, we call this part of the house that, it was relatively abandoned and a few days ago it was ordered to be cleaned to begin with. to take advantage of here.

Si no me equivoco yo ya había mostrado hace tiempo una foto de aquí, como esta zona en la que vivimos anteriormente era un bosque, a esta parte de la casa la llamamos así, estaba relativamente abandonada y hace unos días se mandó a limpiar para empezar a sacar provecho de aquí.



I started with some small French Lemon plants that I planted 4 months ago, after buying a bag of these for a juice, I was impressed because this lemon is very juicy and I put it to the test to see if I could harvest this delicious fruit. I must clarify that my favorite plant is clovers, that's why I hadn't removed them.

Comencé con unas pequeñas plantas de Limón Francés que sembré hace 4 meses, luego de haber comprado una bolsa de estas para un jugo, quedé impresionado porque este limón es muy jugoso y puse en prueba a ver si lograba cosechar esta deliciosa fruta. Debo aclarar que mi planta favorita son los tréboles, por eso no se las había quitado.


In the process of carefully removing these little plants from the plastic container where I planted and cared for all this time, I saw how great all the roots looked when they were growing and taking the shape of the bottom of the container where I had it.

En el proceso de sacar cuidadosamente estás plantitas del envase de plástico en donde lo sembré y cuide durante todo este tiempo, vi lo genial que se veían todas las raíces cuando fueron creciendo y tomando la forma del fondo del envase donde lo tenía.


I must mention that this land has gone through so many things, thanks to that it has large amounts of rubble and waste that should not be contaminating the space, so I went with my respective bag and dug, I collected garbage such as pieces of ceramics, blocks, plastic wrappers that were there and some bottles.

Debo mencionar que este terreno ha pasado por tantas cosas, gracias a eso tiene en cantidades grandes escombros y desechos que no deberían de estar contaminando el espacio, así que me fui con mi respectiva bolsita y escarbé, recogí basuras como trozos de cerámicas, bloques, envolturas de plásticos que había y algunas botellas.


After a while removing the rubble from the earth, I managed to clean up the debris that was around the place where I decided to plant this lemon tree, leaving the place in good condition so that it can progress and grow safely.

Luego de un rato sacando los escombro de la tierra, logré dejar limpio de los desechos que había alrededor del lugar en donde decidí sembrar este limonero, dejando el lugar en buenas condiciones para que logre progresar y crezca sana y salva.



And finally, I added a Guava plant, which we didn't have here either. One day I saw a video where they explained how to germinate the seeds of this fruit, I put it into practice and it was 100% effective for all those who want to grow this delicious and healthy fruit. This plant has the same age as lemons, but its growth has been a little slower, but they are completely healthy.

Y por último, agregue una planta de Guayaba, la cual tampoco teníamos aquí. Un día vi un video donde explicaban cómo germinar las semillas de esta fruta, lo puse en práctica y resultó 100% efectivo para todos aquellos que desea cultivar esta deliciosa y saludable fruta. Esta planta tiene el mismo tiempo que los limones, pero su crecimiento ha sido un poco más lento, pero están completamente sanas.


On this occasion, the place where I had chosen to plant the guavas was worse than the previous one, it took me longer to clean it, here there was scrub and other plants that I had to remove, the detail was also that the more I dug, the more rubble I found, honestly I don't like it not at all contamination and that's why I dedicated myself to removing all this first.

En esta oportunidad, el sitio donde había elegido sembrar las guayabas estaba peor que el anterior, me llevó más rato limpiarlo, aquí había monte y demás plantas que debía remover, el detalle también fue que mientras más escarbaba más escombros encontraba, sinceramente no me agrada para nada la contaminación y por eso me dediqué a quitar todo esto primero.


And so I finished this work, I placed these plants to give the land better use, also because we must take care of our trees and the planet for our future and thus avoid a little more destruction of this wonderful place that is our home. I have already planted some other plants that will be destined to be planted in this same place and have a place with fresh air and less heat.

Y así concluí esta labor, coloqué estas plantas para darle un mejor provecho al terreno, también porque debemos cuidar nuestros árboles y el planeta para nuestro futuro y así evitar un poco más la destrucción de este maravilloso lugar que es nuestro hogar. Ya tengo plantada algunas otras plantas que serán destinadas a ser plantadas en este mismo sitio y tener un lugar con aire puro y menos calor.





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The vegetation needs to be protected to support the living organisms present.


Yes, you are absolutely right, as I sow I will clean more and more.


Planting is very important to us. I appreciate you for thinking about our environment.


I believe that you have to take great care of the environment, I am one of those who does not even like to leave the shower tap open. Previously, I lived in an area where there is no water, so having a lot of plants was never a good option, since the water there must be bought with trucks, and it was not economically good, so I would like to start here, because I know that I could take care very well.


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