Gatos callejeros... ¿Mascotas o señores de la calle? [ESP/ENG] Stray cats ... Pets or street lords?
Are cats free souls and lords of the street?
or are they the darlings of the house?
La peor parte se la llevan los huérfanos, ya que no tienen una casa donde resguardarse del frio de la noche o de un día de lluvia, así que, cualquier hueco o rincón de techo funciona como su cama.
The worst part is taken by the orphans, since they do not have a house to shelter from the cold of the night or a rainy day, so any hole or corner of the roof works as their bed.
Los gatos de la calle pasan mucho trabajo y hambre, pues, están expuesto siempre al peligro, sobre todo al peligro humano, sin embargo, creo que no hay gato feliz que viva encerrado de por vida en una casa. a los gatos les encanta la calle, la libertad... aunque en ello se les vayan las vidas...
Street cats go through a lot of work and hunger, therefore, they are always exposed to danger, especially human danger, however, I believe that there is no happy cat that lives locked up in a house for life. cats love the street, freedom ... even if their lives are lost on it ...
Aunque parte de su dieta la consigan el la basura, estas ternuras prefieren salir a patear el asfalto y hurgar en las bolsas de desperdicios, claro, nada mejor que una buena cama donde su amo.
Although part of their diet is obtained in the garbage, these tenderness prefer to go out to kick the asphalt and rummage through the garbage bags, of course, nothing better than a good bed where their master.
What if I told you that adopting a pet is not as bad as you think?
Adopta una mascota, sácalos de la calle, por lo menos ofrécele techo y cama y que siempre consiga, cuando regrese de la calle, su taza de leche!!
Adopt a pet, take them out of the street, at least offer him a roof and a bed and always get, when he comes back from the street, his cup of milk !!