Whiplash...Orhto is being kind...for now

So this is weird. Well kind of. it's actually exactly how abusers act. They abuse then act sickening sweet so you don't leave them then abuse again. The cycle continues.

This is what appears to be happening with the ortho and his office. Had to go in for a check up. He was attentive and validating and had some input. He also said he would refer me for nerve testing but is waiting for at least 8 weeks because it may be a false negative if I get it too soon.

He also is working with my PCP to get my pain treated with at least a little codeine.

I demonstrated my discoloration when sitting upright (I am usually lying down because I faint if I am upright more than a few minutes). He saw a slight difference between the two sides. The ankle that has surgery was more blue, but tips of toes were white-similar to reynauds. Both sides were exactly the same before surgery(acrocyanosis and mottling from dysautonomia/POTS). I was sitting up for a couple of minutes and he was able to notice what I call "the switch".

It's what happens right before near/syncope. I start to have difficultly communicating and I look different (dazed I suppose). He said "Do you need to lie back down"? Then offered to give me a minute before asking more questions. I was able to say in a somewhat joking matter "See this is why I am bed and housebound and coming to in person appointments is so difficult. It's not a lifestyle choice". I think he actually got it.

Not all POTS patients have the mottling and discoloration. This is usually people who have POTS because of an underlying neurological condition or neuropathy or both. I have all subtypes of POTS as I am also hyperadernergic and low blood volume and high inflammation. Though blood volume is improving now that I can hold on to sodium better.

When I am upright even sitting upright blood does not go to my brain like a healthy person. People with my condition (I am referring to ME/CFS here not necessarily POTS)have an average of 25% decrease in blood flow to the brain when upright. I haven't had a doppler but my guess based on my severity is I have a 30% or more reduction in blood flow to the brain when sitting upright. Standing is even worse.

Setting up an ultrasound soon to check for clots and my veins.

Even the office manager who has spent the past few weeks harassing me and trying to catch me in a "gotcha" because "if you can come in on Monday you are healthy enough to come in Thursday" that is not how dynamic disabilities and post exertional neuro immune exhaustion work.

Now they are bending over backwards to try to get me in home PT.

I do not think this is out of kindness. I think they are terrified of a lawsuit because they messed up so many things and me going to the ER with definitive proof of infection really scared them.

I'll take the win but damn this is triggering, It really is just like being in an abusive relationship.The office manger is not a good actress lol. Ortho seems terrified I am gonna sue him. Depending on how the nerve test goes I may.


Just looked into dysautonomia/POTS - that seems aweful rough!
Thanks for sharing this part of your journey!

You do seem well aware of the relationship you are in with these other actors. Knowing their (hidden) motives and knowing you are rights takes strength. Stay strong and definitly consider sueing them! You are worth it!


Thank you.I also have a theatre background and can usually spot bad acting/people pretending to be nice. It helps.

Dysautonomia effects every aspect of life. I can't tolerate heat or cold. Regulate my body temperature, my digestion sometimes just stops and so many other things. oh and if I am upright too long (for me usually a matter of minutes) I literally faint. Pre/near syncope is the worse feeling. You can feel your body failing and I am sometimes stuck in this state for a half an hour. It's terrifying.

Drs and other health staff usually just eye roll when I explain symptoms and I am told to not be so anxious . I am not anxious just have a very high heart rate and ortho (upright) hypertension. I get no accommodations at drs offices and often faint /near syncope in the waiting room. They never believe me that i do in fact need to lie down or I faint. I am judged for being bedbound-like it's a choice.

There are no FDA approved treatments for POTS or ME/CFS despite the disease being known for decades and they are not rare. The only meds I am on are meds I researched myself. I am not a dr.

If I use my wheelchair I am judged harshly and accused of faking it/looking for attention. I can't win.
