RE: Whiplash...Orhto is being kind...for now

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Thank you.I also have a theatre background and can usually spot bad acting/people pretending to be nice. It helps.

Dysautonomia effects every aspect of life. I can't tolerate heat or cold. Regulate my body temperature, my digestion sometimes just stops and so many other things. oh and if I am upright too long (for me usually a matter of minutes) I literally faint. Pre/near syncope is the worse feeling. You can feel your body failing and I am sometimes stuck in this state for a half an hour. It's terrifying.

Drs and other health staff usually just eye roll when I explain symptoms and I am told to not be so anxious . I am not anxious just have a very high heart rate and ortho (upright) hypertension. I get no accommodations at drs offices and often faint /near syncope in the waiting room. They never believe me that i do in fact need to lie down or I faint. I am judged for being bedbound-like it's a choice.

There are no FDA approved treatments for POTS or ME/CFS despite the disease being known for decades and they are not rare. The only meds I am on are meds I researched myself. I am not a dr.

If I use my wheelchair I am judged harshly and accused of faking it/looking for attention. I can't win.
