I can't find interesting posts on Hive nowadays. Could you point me in the right direction?
I keep coming back to Hive to check out what's going on. I really can't find anything interesting.
I don't know if it's because the highlighting system doesn't work well and the posts that are getting pushed up are not necessarily the most interesting, or that my interests are just really far away from what interests normal people.
What am I looking for?
Hmm memes, day to day stories, funny events, questions about topics that interest me such as tech or life.
I'd like to see art highlights but what I see around here is usually too amateur for my taste, and I haven't found much in terms of short format humor, or highlights from the internet, where people link stuff they have found in other websites that they've enjoyed. Does that exist on Hive?
Where's a genre-based music recommendation community or set of communities? Where's the AI art communities if any? I bet if I do some thorough search I can find some more stuff.
Please recommend me some hiveans, hive communities, and hive topics/hashtags that I can check out to find some interesting stuff.
I don't know if anyone will read this but here's my hail mary tyvm.
Communities are probably the best place to start. If you search for music or AI here, you will find quite a lot, some are more active than others.
There's the Comedy Open Mic for but I don't think I have much of a sense of humour for it https://peakd.com/c/hive-164166/created
Tags aren't really used now and the life tag is so overrated. You're probably better off reading content from your following feed, but I notice most of the people you're following aren't that active...
Good luck
i don't like open mic, or videos, or watching people do stuff in general, especially in the amateur genre
i very rarely watch comedy, and when i do it's by a very specific type of comedians, and then i get tired of comedy almost immediately, like if it's too high a dosage i get immunized to the funnies
i have checked the communities and haven't yet found ones that i thought were what i was looking for, i will look again with new keywords you proposed and some related ones and maybe that'll be the key, i may ask for advice if you have some to give later on.
Did you tried alien art hive?
i checked it out and honestly didn't like the art styles i saw there, i liked more the ai art community. alien art community has a lot of weird amateur art that isn't very appealing to me. i will keep checking other places to find good stuff to fill my wants. thanks for the suggestion :) if you have others i welcome them.
A good thing to do is add to your favorite list. At peakd you have this feature. So, you can choose the subjects you like and explore among your favorites creators.
I love the weird and freak stuff!!! 👽
hey, it's nice to see you back here, welcome back!
henlowo :D
hello -> henlo -> henlo + owo -> henlowo
parser error 😬
hahah, well
cryptosharon@commentssection:~$ cat "how is schlafhacking doing.txt"
Well, being able to find interesting posts on Hive is not an easy task anymore.
In first place, because some brainless and stubborn individuals have been in charge of driving away most of those authors who usually were creating interesting content in hive.
And secondly, because the only content that you will find promoted & catapulted to the trending pages here by the same brainless and stubborn individuals, are only that endless amount of silly, bland, useless and over rewarded posts about Makeup, Cooking Recipes, Video Games and shilling Hive everytime & everywhere.
Well, perhaps you might find two or three hints of why it's the case, just by reading this post about the Hive Threeversary celebration which was written three days ago. };)
While I welcome your apparent intentions, I can't find anything related to the topic in the posts you linked. Perhaps the answer you try to give is hidden among many misdirections and metaphors, and I couldn't find it. Could you try to restate it in simple terms so an outsider like me can understand the message you're trying to spread?
Yeah, I'm aware that you've been out and away from this environment for almost a full year. And it is very likely that this was the main reason why you didn't find at first sight the direct relationship with "the topic" I wanted to inform you about. Well, apart from my somewhat cryptic way of writing. };)
Yep, that's right. In general, I tend to use a lot of metaphors and I tend to leave the juiciest part of my speech to be consumed between the lines. But I use to do it all in this way, just to try not to corner my readers into my own way of thinking and let everyone free to draw their own conclusions without me exerting much influence on their own way of thinking. After all, what I try to do is just invite them to think and reflect on the subject to which I expose them. ;o)
It will not be necessary at all my dear @cryptosharon. In your second comment it is more than clear that you have understood the message I was trying to spread with solemn perfection.
Now, I just hope my comments & hints has at least been somehow helpful in leading you to the interesting content you were looking for on Hive and which had been a little hard to find so far. And if it has not been like that... well, then we will try again. LoL
ok so i handed your 1st post to chatgpt because maybe i'm just too dumb and didn't find what you were saying on first skim
Key Takeaways:
The author's point of view on authoritarianism appears to be critical and cautionary. They express concern about the consequences of allowing an authoritarian entity, whether it's a single person or a small group, to enforce their own agenda and laws on the population. The author seems to believe that such a system is inherently flawed and potentially dangerous.
The critical stance on authoritarianism is demonstrated by the mention of these entities being stubborn, biased, wrong, and whimsical. This implies that the author believes that such leaders or groups can be inflexible, irrational, and act based on personal whims or beliefs rather than considering the welfare of the people they govern.
Furthermore, the author seems to argue that even if the initial intentions of an authoritarian entity were good, the end result is often undesirable. This suggests that the author views the authoritarian approach as ineffective and prone to corruption or abuse of power.
By urging readers to think, reflect, and meditate on the consequences of blindly following authoritarian entities, the author emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and informed decision-making. They encourage people to recognize their ability to resist and fight against oppressive forces.
Finally, the author labels the idea of a perfect authoritarian system as a "simple utopia," implying that it's an unrealistic and unattainable ideal. This further highlights their skepticism towards the effectiveness and viability of authoritarianism as a form of governance.
same for the second post you shared:
Key Takeaways:
The author acknowledges Hive's third anniversary and its accomplishments, but they also want to bring attention to some unspoken truths and concerns within the platform. They suggest that not all celebrations are entirely genuine and may be influenced by hidden motives or manipulative tactics.
To illustrate their point, the author shares a series of videos about the Third Wave experiment, a social experiment that demonstrated how easily people can be manipulated into supporting a fascist regime. The experiment shows that individuals from any background can be susceptible to manipulation and indoctrination, especially when orchestrated by skilled leaders.
By sharing these videos, the author encourages the Hive community to critically examine the reasons behind their celebrations and to be aware of potential manipulation by those in power.
Excellent analysis. Very complete. precise and forceful. It is evident that you consumed with attention and interest what was there to offer you. I'm proud of you. That's the least we can expect from our readers. That our audience take the necessary time and be willing to fully consume the content to which they have been exposed. Including all the additional material hidden in each link in our articles and the extra audiovisual material to feed their critical thinking in a more eloquent and enriching way. :)
Because if they don't or they aren't willing to do it that way. With intense curiosity and the intention to discover and/or learn something new, then, why authors like us would bother in creating interesting content that makes them think and reflect?
Cheers!! :)