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Crochet is that skill that I have always known and had interest in, I can't even remember if I was taught or if I just learned by watching someone do it. Before now, it had trended many years ago when I was still in high school. So many girls learned and did crochet for fun and I was one of those many girls. We didn't learn it professionally but somehow, we could just find our way around it. I can still remember the excitement I felt every time I got a new pin or a new wool, it was just fascinating. I would make small purses and even make for my friends, lol. The only thing I never understood how to make back then was a cap. I never got to make it curve, it goes wrong every single time.

After all those periods, I didn't do crochet again for so many years and suddenly, it became a new trend. People started building businesses out of it and the things I never knew were possible to make with crochet were right before my eyes. It was thrilling but at the end of the day, it wasn't a skill I wanted to explore again. For me, it will just be a hobby and I wouldn't really mind knowing how to make stuffs for myself alone and not for commercial purpose.

Several months ago, the burning desire to crochet came again and I bought the full set of the crochet pins because I thought I should be able to learn a thing or two online. For the basics, I didn't really need my brain to be refreshed because it is sort of in-built, I just lacked the knowledge of the new ways these things can be done. The first thing I decided to make was a tote bag because apart from it being a trend these days, it is actually very useful and I love the idea of it.


I have been battling with the making of this tote bag for the past few months and I have not been able to make it till now. It dawned on me that I have lost my touch, Sad!. Maybe I could have sought knowledge from the internet but I just find myself caught up in a lot of other things. I loosened it earlier because the sidelines were becoming bent and I knew something was wrong. I went to you tube and I was able to fix it until I got carried away by other activities again. I picked it again few days ago and guess what? The straight lines started to bend again, I was frustrated!.


I thought of loosening everything and starting all over again but my stiches are very tight and I will be sad to make all that hard work disappear. I guess I will try to find where I went wrong again, maybe I can finally fix it and make the tote bag at last. If not, I will just loosen it and make something else.


Thanks for reading❤️

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #mayinleo monthly topic Day 7. Please check the announcement post to partake in this.

All Images Are Mine and Thumbnail Was Designed Using Canva

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow, just like you, I had this crotchet skill sometime ago but lost interest along the line. A project usually takes me weeks and even months to achieve, making the whole thing look tiring while some people find it fun.
However from what I can see here, you can do great with crochet..try giving it more attention and maybe consistency..I guess so much workload is my reason why i completely stopped. If you have some spare time, you can be making nice designs for yourself with it

By the way..when should I expect your complete tote bag? I am kind curious about the outcome 🤗

It's already looking nice 👍🙂



Aww, sorry momma. I personally commend people that does crocheting as a full time job, it is such a hard work and takes time.

You are gingering me oo, I guess I will put a little more attention to it. And for the tote bag? Soon momma, soon😊


I’m jealous
You have the whole pack of hooks and there’s me with just one🥹


Lol, don't be jealous, you can always come and pick any at anytime to use, huh?
