Book review: The 7 habits of highly effective families by Stephen Covey

“Family is the most important, fundamental organization in the world”(Stephen Covey)

Stephen R. Covey talks about family in his bestselling book “The 7 habits of effective families. Building a beautiful family culture in a turbulent world”. I see this book as an attempt to restore the power of this important structure which is the pillar of society. The author mentions the vital role that it plays in our lives, stating that “I firmly believe that family is the building block of society and that our greatest fulfillment lies there”

I would take these 7 habits and literally stick them on the fridge or somewhere where me and my husband and kids would be able to see them everyday. If I were a man I would do the same. That important these habits are for anyone out there who is married and has children. I strongly believe that family is the foundation of everything. When people stop believing in the power of loving relationships and prioritize work/career, money, social media and other petty things society usually becomes a very miserable place to be in. This book is awesome and a must read even if you are not married yet because it will show you what you need in order for you and your partner to truly create the family of your dreams and maintain it in these turbulent times.

A loving family is everything! Quality relationships require work! We have been inoculated with the false idea that love is easy and this is the most perilous misconception that infects millions of relationships on a daily basis. People realize that if they stop trying at work they will eventualy get fired or get stuck in mediocrity , but when the same thing happens in their personal lives they raise an eyebrow wondering: ”Why do I have to put in an effort in here too?Come on!”. Yes, some people are that shallow and take for granted the idea that the relationship is just like a plant that blooms without any gardening work…

Unfortunately we are now living in times when people love and adore material things and take advantage of people when it should be the other way around: people should love people and take advantage of the things that they have. Your job, your money, your material possesions and your fake social media persona that you project in order to gain likes from strangers will not hold your hands in times of distress, the people that love you will do that unless you have chosen to prioritize rubbish instead of the actual things that matter.

I will not write a long post about this book because I have an even better way to introduce you to its content: an almost 2 hours long in depth review of the book, chapter by chapter. Enjoy!
