Splinterlands | More Max Level Card Purchases #6

After 5 years of grinding Splinterlands, I now am upgrading my collection to Max Level cards as prices are extremely low at the moment. With the price of SPS falling below 0.01$, I also actively started buying again.

Dropping Confidence

Even though I'm still accumulating more cards leveling them to Max Level, my confidence in the team behind Splinterlands and Matt as a leader continues to go down each week. I really dislike all the proposals where they are begging for money in various ways and the general tone behind it that 'they might have to leave Hive' if they don't get the grant and how The DAO needs to pay for the SPS chain development within a year or else...

Also the way Soulbound unlocks will happen makes no sense whatsoever having players pay 10x the DEC cost just to be able to sell them while the moment they get dumped into Wild the values are bound to collapse. They still fail to see that Card Collection values are of vital importance of players to have confidence in the game. Yet they need to fix Vouchers, to then drive demand for DEC, to then drive demand for SPS, to afterward drive demand for cards. The unlock is a perfect opportunity to pump old card prices requiring an equal card to be burned instead of the 10x DEC burn value.

So yeah, it's frustrating to see how they are still making big obvious mistakes which isn't giving the game which has been the same for 5+ years an improvement. So I'm slowly but surely coming to an end of being willing to accumulate more and have just a couple key cards left. I will never ever buy packs knowing the values will plummet and only buy cards directly on the market at heavily lower prices compared to what was paid for them one in the hope they at least hold up from here on out.

Weclome To The Family New Max Level Cards

It's been 3 weeks since the last update and I managed to get some key cards added to my collection:


I did manage to upgrade my Level 6 Conqueror Jacek to Max Level Paying 9$ for that and destroying 1 BCX with that. If I would have waited I could have now bought it cheaper which tends to be the ongoing trend. I also maxed out the Franz Ruffmane Soulbound Summoner with just 1 more of those to go. I still need 2 copies of the Helios Matriarch to have all souldbound summoners maxed.

This right now I have enough tools to make a proper choice with 16 Maxed level summoners and have my eye on just a couple more of the Chaos Legion Legendary Summoners in case they would drop more.

Premium Cards!

The Almo Cambio is one I had 8 singled copies off for a long time since the last bull market. The card is useful as it has the Immunity ability but I still need to get my Lily Shieldpaw to max level to really fit it in a proper strong deck. That one is on my shortlist to buy next of prices drop down some more as there is no real reason immediately for them to go up.
I also finally Maxed out my Wave Brood which is a cards that I always play as my main tank when there is the game rule where only Ranged monsters can be used. The extra attack and ranged reflection ability really make a huge difference there and the water summoner is excellent for this game rule.

Other Cards
I had a Level 3 and a Level 2 of the Bila The Radiant and it wasn't so expensive to upgrade so I went ahead buying the extra needed copies maxing it out. I also maxed out the Acid Shooter which gives it the poison ability which actually is really useful in many situations. However, these are by no means the cards that I play very often.

Soulbound Reward Cards

I also managed to max out 3 more Soulbound reward cards. The Noa The Just is quite fun to play in a deck with Possibilus while at the same time it has competition in 2nd spot from the Kelp Initiate or the Baakjira. The Kra'ar Xoc is one off those cards where it's possible to make a nice combo deck with Death using Weaken and multiple redemption cards. However, the ranked game more is terrible at allowing to create fun creative decks which is a really weak point in Splinterlands. The Benari Marlsrat in play all the time as they had to go ahead and introduce a new overpowered ability with the Martyr

SPS Accumulation

I'm close to reaching 260k SPS and all the stake I had on my alt account has been moved to my main account. It's hard to see SPS make big moves though as there are still zero new players coming into the game and I highly doubt that the 'new user experience' will make much difference as players aren't stupid and see that cards don't hold value so why would anyone buy packs let alone a big stake in SPS.


I'm quite negative right now on Splinterlands as I don't agree with the general vision and the way things have gone lately. That said, I still enjoy playing the game even though with more game modes it could be even more fun. For now I continue accumualing some more Key cards and I will see where it all goes going forward.


I think Dropping confidence is how I would describe things now too. After the begging for money proposals, how could anyone have confidence to buy assets in the game now? And then demanding huge DEC burns to unlock cards players have earned in the game will just upset more players.

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Yeah, the entire unlocking makes no sense whatsoever. So all bots can continue to play with just soulbound cards without the need to unlock and those who do pay 10x the DEC burn value basically take a gamble on people buying them for a little bit more at the risk that there is going be no demand and collapsing prices once they get dumped into Wild which isn't even that far off.

I don't get why they don't understand that having card prices hold up is the key to everything. With the Soulbound unlocking the supply will increase even more. It was a perfect opportunity to burn some of the cards that were printed too way much and at least not have things inflate more.

It's similar to when DEC-B was introduced printing more DEC to combat the Inflation. I just can't wrap my head around some of these decisions. So frustrating.


I don't get why they don't understand that having card prices hold up is the key to everything.

THIS. They need to give cards bought with money an advantage over free cards given out from gameplay time.


It is more taking decisions that disadvantage real players against bots.

The Dec-B was another crazy idea that made no sense to the health of the game. I think there is a real short term thinking instead of having a long term vision, similar to in the corporate world.
