How to Make Our Society a Better Place
There is just so much that I really wish I can change about my society most of the time when I see something's happening. My country Nigeria that is always called the Giant Of Africa sometimes does not reflect what it is really called. Till now, I am still yet to find a country that is blessed with a lot of resources like Nigeria. I muhs confess that we have everything that can make our country a better place to be but the truth is, sometimes it does not reflect that way.
When ever I looked at my society, I strongly believe that it can be better. There are a whole lot of things we are really lacking in our society. They might not look significant but they are very important. If we should trace the issue that Nigeria is facing, it is due to corruption and generally bad leadership. Our society lacks security, has poor infrastructure and many more. As a Nigerian that I am, it is not only enough for me to desire change, I should also take my little steps I can take to change them.
The first I strongly believe that can be done to change our society is to work on our leadership. Like I actually said, most of the issue that my society or generally Nigeria is facing, can really be traced back to bad leadership. When we are able to have a good leadership, we are so sure that things will change and transform. One of the ways we can start having good leadership is for us to make sure our elections are always free and fair so that deserving people can become a leader.
For every society that wants to stand out, there are some basic infrastructure that need to be put in place. Examples like the infrastructure that is similar to education and the aspect of health. In fact I will say two major sector determine how well a society will perform well and that is the aspect of Education and Health sector. If these two sector are well taken care of, it is certain that the society will take a positive shape. Schools should be built and also hospitals also as it is very necessary.
Then there is the aspect of security also. In fact all other infrastructure or sector I mentioned, if there is not a proper security standard established, everything will just be in vail. Our society must be a secured place free from kidnappers, armed robbers and generally anything that will just tamper the safe living of the people. The truth is, the change we seek for, we can get it only if we are determined and commited. Most of the time we always desire a particular change but we are not even taking steps to achieve them. I am really optimistic that in the nearest future, our society will still be a much more better place to live much more than how it is right now.