RE: What's the Deal with [GAMBLING ADS]?! 😏


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Yeah I’ve been getting a history lesson on a lot of this stuff. It dates back to the 1940’s when Las Vegas was created in the desert.

What do casinos do? Block out sunlight, pump in air and maximize artificial blue-heavy light.

What are we doing today? Most people are minimizing natural sunlight and are heavily exposed to strong artificial blue light. This light plays on the addiction part of our brain and keeps us on the dopamine train until our hormonal system is overwhelmed and burnt out. It also plays into addictions like porn and gambling.

Crazy enough, I’ve heard on many areas that this stems from the mafia back in the 40’s. Organized crime is behind all of this stuff and has expanded its control to the present day.

Really wild stuff! Thankfully there are brilliant people like Jack Kruse out there expanding the consciousness of people on these topics. I think there are great changes coming in this regard - fighting back on the toxic blue light we are washed in daily.


I'll be the first to say that I hate the blue light, absolutely despise it 😠 We have them in our public bathrooms so junkies can't shoot up in the stalls. Meanwhile I wish for a world full of soft orange lighting again. I can't stand these LEDs...

But anyway, back to topic, that you're absolutely right. This has been an issue since the origin of casinos, and you're right that they're heavily influenced and operated by nefarious forces...

With these online advertisements though, especially on YouTube, more could and should definitely be done. There are betting apps being advertised in my children's kid videos. If smoking has become demonized to the point of no return, perhaps we could start doing the same with gambling! 😩

Anyway thank you as always for reading, and thank you for your feedback! I hope you enjoyed the recent festivities 😊
