Monochrome Monday Violent Vines


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to enjoy getting rid of a nasty weed, and not the good one!


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Monochrome Monday Violent Vines

One of the really crazy things about where we live is that we are being completely overrun and infested by these invasive species of vine! They are a real pain in the ass, and incredibly destructive. They grow super fast and can stretch for hundreds or thousands of feet with a single plant, the stuff is that obnoxious!

I'm not sure of the type of weed this is, but it's definitely an obnoxious little vine. I started to notice the little shits a few years ago when we came to my wife's uncles house and started to clean the place up. There were the vines everywhere, latching onto all kinds of stuff and we were getting rid of it all. With the noticing of these vines, I have now seen the little shits everywhere and it really annoys me! They are super destructive to everything!


As you can see in the picture above, the damn thing destroys itself lol. It twists so tightly around itself that it ends up strangling itself and causes it's own issues and destruction. It's quite a remarkable, albeit annoying, plant to have grown around.

Reading up on the plant, it's apparently called Oriental Bittersweet and although it may serve a purpose in reducing land erosion which is certainly a problem, it has a serious negative effect on trees and other parts of a landscape as the stuff just destroys everything around it.


So the little man and I were destroying it the other day and will continue on our quest to get rid of the little shit! It can make for sort of a cool looking vine as it climbs but at the same time, it's really bad for the area that we live in with it's insistence of latching onto trees and strangling it.

Some of the tree branches that we've taken the stuff off of have been indented really deep by the damn thing which was crazy to me. I know that once you notice the stuff, you will always see it! Any time we are out walking now, I see the stuff and I try to cut or rip the stuff down to save whatever poor tree the little shit latched onto lol. The next step for us in the cleanup here is to just burn all of it!


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Very terrifying snake like vines! They are quite nasty!
I would try Presearch soon.


The vines are indeed a really big pain! Lol
