Monochrome Monday Rock Wall


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I'm here with a conversion to black and white for some of the recent pictures of rock climbing!

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Monochrome Monday Rock Wall

If there's one thing that I enjoy it's converting some of the pictures I've taken recently or in the past and converting them to nice black and white ones!

I recently went to a really fun rock gym and enjoyed getting my ass kicked by the walls and getting some incredible exercise in the process, not exactly the form of exercise that most people would think of but I was sweating my ass off by the end of the day which felt great! I was thinking that it would look pretty cool to convert some of the pictures to black and white though so let's give it a whirl.

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The rock walls weren't much different from the greyish color that they are looking here lol but they ended up being a lot of fun and some good challenges to get up. This one here is where I spent most of my time. This one was a little set back from the rest of the gym which I liked since it wasn't right in the middle of everything and people weren't staring at me to watch me and see if I made it up or I failed. I didn't mind failing at all because it's important to get up there and get to trying it, to find out that you fail, instead of not getting up there at all I think.

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I'm determined to try and make it up these larger walls one day though. I don't know if it will need to be with my wife or son spotting me, most likely my wife since my son won't be strong enough to hold my weight on the rope but I'm definitely hoping to give this a try one of these days! When I was up the top of the auto belay courses I was pretty nervous being that high up and relying on the ropes to let me fall down gently to the ground. With these bigger courses though it's definitely a considerable amount of trust between you and the person that's spotting you LOL. Hopefully my wife doesn't plan on cashing out the life insurance policy early :D

There were so many parts of the course that were so much more intense than I thought they would be! Lots of outward inclines with crazy small knobs and stuff to grab onto. I was sad that most of the people that were climbing weren't going for these intense courses lol I wanted to see someone try to get up the crazy ones!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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