Getting Involved

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how important it is for us to get involved in things that we can, around us!


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Getting Involved

The little man is starting school, and it's a great but sad time!

It's really good that he's starting school, and going to be learning from people that aren't my wife and I. We may have found a good school, you don't really know until they are in a few weeks or months. Hopefully it's a good one! There is one really important thing though, that I know I need to do to make sure it goes as well as it could: get involved.


Getting involved is a bit different for everyone. Not everybody has all the time in the world to do these things, but the important thing is to try and do something. Once every few months, volunteer at an event. Make sure you can take a day off of work to participate. With the internet these days, we could also really do things from our home completely, like organizing email lists and things of that nature. The more we get ourselves involved the better!

I think one of the biggest crises in modern times is the utterly abysmal lack of civic engagement that people have. I get it; we are fucking busy! I think they were equally busy, if not more when we were kids and our parents were kids. There was no internet for most of us, and jobs were all at offices or places of employment. This meant that parents, if both worked, were both out of the home during the day. They pick up the kids and try to do things after school to round out the day.

With the age that we live in, and the remote work and things of that nature we thankfully DO have some flexibility to do things like that. I could help manage the classroom online portal for the teacher, posting updates and communicating with parents. I could do a whole host of things, but the most important thing that I need to do is make sure I'm involved.

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When people, specifically parents, are involved in the kids lives and especially their school life, we have much more informed parents and generally a much better relationship with the school and the people that spend more time with our kids awake than the parents do. These are all things that are pretty normal in this day and age, but the thing that we have severely forgotten and lack is the lack of participation on the parents.

I am guilty of that 100% as well. I have a lot going on, as does my wife but we are going to be making an active effort to get into the mix of the school and do a lot of volunteering. My wife will do more of the volunteering than I will, since she is a professional mom and does a great job at it. I will still make an effort to volunteer at some events though, because I want to be part of it all as well. I found an event later on in the year that sounds like a lot of fun for me and the kids, so I will be taking a day off to volunteer and spend time with the school.

The positive impacts it has on the kids, and the people around us when we do this is profound. It's important to see when there are parents interested and involved in the kids upbringing. Not just signing him up and shipping them off to the next activity to get them out of our hair and stay occupied. My wife and I have been actively involved throughout his life and I think it's sad that people don't do this more. We have some people that we know though, that just sign up their kids for shit so they don't have to deal with them. It's a shame, because they had kids to "check the box" and it clearly shows.


I won't profess to be the best person or father, but I am certainly trying to be as good as I can be, and volunteering for my kids stuff is one of the small ways I get to do it, and enjoy it as well!

What about you, do you make sure to get involved with your kids school life? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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You're right about the abysmal lack of community involvement we all have these days. It is meant to make for a healthier life yet we're so busy chasing money to survive we just don't do it. And the church isn't as much of a focal point - even if you don't believe in God, you gotta admit the church played a big role in bringing people together. I'm sure the little man will appreciate you being involved too. Good on ya.


100% right. I love being involved in my kids life it's great for bonding


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The natural beauty is extraordinary and I love the photography of the mountains that are close to the cruise and there are shadows in them.


Going to school will make him have more experience and be able to mingle with different people and not just used to how things are done in his home
Nice progress!


When you get involved with children, they are happy, plus it helps them to be more confident, and when you do it in their classrooms, you can see a lot of things in their character that we often don't know.


School period is the most special period of our life because from there we get to learn a lot of things that we apply in the next life, if we don't learn those things, we will never be able to live a good life.
