Final Buzz Monochrome Monday

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some photos from a recent trip to the apple orchard, and seeing the bees enjoying it for the last times!


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Final Buzz Monochrome Monday

The end of summertime is certainly an enjoyable time.

The weather is changing from hot to comfortable and relaxing. Both of those states are certainly ones we enjoy, but for very different reasons. With the end of summertime approaching, it is certainly time for the critters to get as much food and nourishment out of the wildlife as it can before the really cold temperatures set in!


We've had some pretty mild transitional weather here and it's really nice. Some years it goes from hot as fuck summer, to really cold autumn. It's a wild shift but this year thankfully it's been very pleasant and enjoyable. The mornings are chilly, the afternoons are warm and the evenings are the middle zone between warm and cool, which ends up being incredibly pleasant.

It's only a matter of time though before the cold weather kicks in and the plants die off. That's why we've been seeing, naturally, lots of pollinator activity. The bees are working overtime to get themselves stocked up for the winter and it's nice but bittersweet to see!


The farm we like to go to for this time of year thankfully has quite a large variety of flowers and things of the food nature for the bees. They, and many others, are helping to prepare the bees for the wintertime slumber.

As much as people complain and say humans suck, we do a pretty good job of stewardship at the middle level of our environment. There are certainly psychopaths at the tops of companies that love to pollute the fuck out of everything in sight (plastic, industrial chemical and other companies) without a care for anything. That's where the middle comes into play, because it's the people in the middle who spend the most amount of effort actually making these positive and wonderful changes to our environment. We lead by example and I think that's important!

Taking the photos at the farm was nice, and some of them I didn't even realize that there was a bee in it until I looked at them later. I do distinctly remember hearing them all around though! I have always enjoyed taking the photos of bees on flowers and turning it into black and white to see what it produces. It changes the elements quite a bit and it's pretty cool to see! It really brings out the nature of the features such as the darkness of the eyes and little legs they use to grasp the flowers for food.


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Beautiful and quite nice picture display. Good morning for today.


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