Cyclical Monochrome Monday

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the cycle of life, in terms of the seasonal changes.


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Cyclical Monochrome Monday

At this point, I've collected several years worth of photographs and saved them on my computer. It's a really enjoyable thing for me, as many of them I have very brief but fond memories of the situation and place we were when I took the photograph.

The other really enjoyable thing with that is that I get to enjoy and observe the cyclical nature of life and the environment we live in.

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Having the ability to observe the things around us, which is heightened by having a kid who is fascinated and enjoys the small things in life, really brings things back into perspective for me.

As an adult, we ignore so many things when we are in our early years. I'm certainly not middle aged yet, unless I would die in a few decades, but I think that I am at a point where I am able to slow down a little bit and appreciate the small things around us more than I ever have in the past. Is this an effect of being a parent? I certainly think so!

The beautiful thing about that, and enjoying taking photographs, is that I tend to try and take some photos when I'm out with my wife and son, or just with my son, so that I can enjoy and appreciate things later on down the line. I certainly tend to write about the things on Hive in terms of the adventures we have, but going back and looking at the memories of the time are really fun.


Taking a look at the various seasons and how they change is a fascinating and somber moment. The pictures that I've chosen here; some of them are from this year, some of them are from last year and the year before. That spans not only 3 years of MY life, but 3 years of my sons life. He has changed so much in 3 years, it's really fascinating but at the same time, sad to know that he is getting older and changing.

It is the life of a parent for sure though, and our ability to take them from a helpless infant up to an adolescent and eventually teenager to adult, it's a pretty wild experience. I'm certainly not at the latter stages yet, but we are getting there year by year.

Taking the pictures here and flipping them into black and white helps me focus a bit more on the pictures themselves and the thought of it, instead of some cool colors. I think that's one of the things I really enjoy about black and white photographs, it gives you a deeper thought than you do with color photos. That's at least my personal experience with them, and I expect some share that, and some don't. That's the fun thing about being a human, we are all different!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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a great post, i think collecting images of enjoyable moments for the future is a very nice thing as long as it doesn't reduce the joy of the moment being recorded at present, it's about balancing between living the moment & keeping photos for surfing back n time & remembering all the enjoyable moments we experienced through our lifetime. totally agree that all adults definitely did ignore so many things when younger & n early years, being at a point where being able to slow down a little bit and appreciate the small things around is being more mentally grown up a kind of mental age regardless of the physical age -so one doesn't need to b middle aged to think that way & certainly being a parent is 1 of the major causes of such a change. about feeling sad that ur kid won't b a kid anymore at some point- i think all parents have such a feeling where they somewhat wish f their kids could stay kids for longer, but also i think parents shouldn't show that for their kids so that kids don't feel guilty about something they don't control which is growing up. finally great photos- well done


Oh for sure with my son I don’t enact behaviors to infantalize him but just somber reflection watching him grow and become a young man. It’s such an important phase of life and enjoyable for nearly everything we do.

It’s also really important that we take a step back and learn to appreciate the things around us a lot more. Walking on a beautiful trail, stopping to take a few photos and just soak in the moment for a little bit. These are important things for us to do!

It’s strange I didn’t see your comment.. it got filtered out of my notifications. I rather enjoyed it so if you happen to reply or comment on one of my future posts just tag me with @ for a little bit and I’m hoping the system recognizes this as a real comment.

Take care!


That is a lovely and very beautifully sentimental collection of pictures.


It's good your son's lifestyle has influenced you to appreciating more of the little things of life and nature. There are so many beautiful and worthwhile things we ignore everyday that could change our perspective or even our life if we gave them out attention. The b&w photos of the trees and vegetation look beautiful. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.


Yeah it's really important to slow down and appreciate things more for the kiddos! Enjoying the photographs is one of the ways I can do that.


Having the ability to observe the things around us, which is heightened by having a kid who is fascinated and enjoys the small things in life, really brings things back into perspective for me.

I love this. Kids are brilliant at living in the here and now, with no harsh life lessons (hopefully) to make them cynical like us adults..


Yeah dude my wife and I protect our son in so many ways from the evil shit around us. Not in a fragile and foolish way but in ways where we preserve his innocence as a child growing up and learning the world. We keep him away from shitty people that are angry or just bad people until he's older and has more life experience. I think this is really important to do if we are able to!


Fantastic dude. Sounds like ye are brilliant parents doing as much as you can for your little man until he has the smarts to look after himself.

The teenage years will be hard for all us parents when our kids want nothing to do with us embarrassing parents!!


Great shots dude - I love observing the passage of the seasons, then applying them to aspects of my life and the world at large. There is so much to be learned from observing the world around us. I cherish the time spent with my children at that age - I know everyone always says it, but they really do grow up so quick!


Yeah the little rascals grow up very quickly! It's both amazing as well as sad.

Taking the ups and downs of life, the ebbs and flows with mental reflection and photography is one of the things I really enjoy in a day!


I think having children and watching them grow is a great way to rediscover life again from a different and newer perspective. It's like we learn so much about the things we overlooked before, really an interesting but wild experience :)


Oh absolutely! Having a kid is one of the best ways to figure out what's really important in life and how to enjoy it a lot more. I've had to unlearn a lot of bad behaviors when becoming a father! I still do to this day.


I think one of the things I love the most about living in Michigan besides the overall natural beauty is the fact that we get to experience all four seasons each year. Sometimes they are more mellow or harsh than others, but you get to full run of them and that is kind of cool.


Yeah for sure dude I really enjoy seasons! I'm glad we live where we do as well, because we get the same thing.


Isn't that great that we can think back about these memories by looking at the cool shots we've taken? I'm always so happy when I take the time to capture some nature during daytrips because often these are the ones that make me appreciate being here and now most.



Yeah that's for sure! Taking some photos, sometimes seemingly unexpected in quickness, can really help us appreciate things later!
