Added Wiggle Room


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate the waxing and waning of ability to do some writing!


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Added Wiggle Room

Writing is definitely one of the enjoyable things for me. I am able to do it fairly routinely which is a positive for me in many regards. Where things start to get a little tricky is when I simply don't have the time to write!


I've been a huge promoter of post scheduling here on Hive since I really started to use it in earnest. It's been a really key ability for me to be able to continually publish content to the chain. I know some people dislike it for one reason or another, but there are certain scenarios where writing every single day just isn't conducive to a daily routine. That is definitely the boat I am in!

We've been incredibly busy lately, for many different reasons. Running between appointments, events and all that. I've barely had time to breathe nevermind write! Thankfully though I get in a habit of getting some time every few days to write something and get it scheduled. On days where I have a lot more time I am able to get several of them written and scheduled just for these vary scenarios where shit just happens in life!

We've had a fairly consistent amount of appointments between myself, the little man and my wife. With school that also means that the appointments are later in the day and it makes it a little hectic to do everything. Then you have to get all of the other household tasks done for the day after the kiddos go to sleep. By the time you're done with all that jazz, you are barely able to keep your eyes open nevermind write a few posts! That's been my life the past 2 weeks or so.


Thankfully these aren't bad things but it's the school year. Things are all in flux compared to our normal schedules that we got used to over the past many months. I think it's okay though because it gets us in a routine and it's pretty consistent which helps all around. After I finish work, we get school work done, eat dinner, take a shower and get ready for bed. It's a little jammed and hectic when we've had to squeeze in a bunch of different appointments but we make it work. That's life being a parent! Some have made comments like never having kids because life is too busy. I think that's a shame because yeah, things are busy but life is about sacrifices.

Having spent a little extra time before that getting a few different posts written and scheduled gave me some good wiggle room. I have been able to sacrifice 3 or 4 nights in a row where I don't get any writing done because I've been organized in my free time and gotten things set up. I think this is also why I like the post scheduling feature, it gives me a way to organize myself! I can be a little disorganized in other ways but in terms of technology, I try to be as organized as I can.


What about you, do you try to put things into place so that you have some wiggle room in your life? Not necessarily with posts, but with other things? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I know exactly how you feel. Before starting a family, even when it was just my husband and I, sacrificing my space and alone time was huge for me. After having children, I had to completely give up video games lol and I do still miss them today, to an extent 😟 But like you said, life is about making sacrifices, it's important to for the right people.

Today, like you, the challenge is writing and posting 😩 It's been a process of learning to find balance. For me, the biggest factor has been learning not to force or expect anything. I no longer try to schedule things, I just play it by ear, and if opportunity presents itself I immediately seize. Granted, I'm in a position where I'm blessed to have that approach, I know not everyone can afford to go with the flow...

Anyway thank you for sharing! 🙏 It's good to hear from you, I wish you luck with all your situations!


Yeah there are definitely plenty of times where we go with the flow and let things come naturally. I think I've somehow managed that with scheduling the posts so my thoughts are genuine and not forced and entertaining. For example I was in NO mood to write tonight for various reasons but I am hoping to wake up in a better mood tomorrow and get something done. We shall see!

Ah yes video games was a big one for me as well. I played them religiously for 20 years just about. I gave them up when my wife called me out for being a shitty husband and playing them more than helping her and it was a huge wake up call. I had a bit of a relapse to be honest but about 5 years ago I gave them up entirely and haven't looked back. Occasionally I will play an old school game but nothing at all like I was doing it before. It wasn't worth the loss of my wife and son that's for damn sure!

I'm no saint, I make mistakes constantly but I sure as shit try to fix them and do better the next day.


I try to have things organized and done in advance when possible. Posting on Hive is not one of those things though. In the future, I might try writing out multiple posts when the juices are flowing and schedule them.


Yeah post scheduling really helps me! I've gotten a few other people into it and it's been great. You just gotta get in a little rhythm and eventually things will fall into place.

Hopefully you can set that up for yourself!


Yeah, I almosthave my home office cleaned out (was used for storage) and maybe can get away to start hammering stuff out ahead of time.


That’s good! I’m looking forward to a home office one day lol.

It feels good to clean things though, and get things shifted around. Glad you got to get some work done in that regard.


I stil have some work to do, but the bulk of it is done. At least the office. I just moved everything to another room. SO now I need to tackle it.


I'm getting close to the end of my summer now and I know I am going to start running out of content soon. I am going to have to scramble to find some good topics for posts. I might need to start getting some typed up ahead of time so I don't have to do it all at the last minute!


Haha yeah there can be challenges in finding things to write about. I guess we do a lot of adventures and things like that no matter the time of year so I've always got something up my sleeve. Then if we don't have that I've got random ass thoughts floating around up north lol

Hopefully you can find some inspiration easily to write things in the colder months!


Thanks, I hope so too. Winter has always been. Rough for me after I finished up with all my summer adventures.


No matter how hard I try I just cant seem to write more than two or three posts a day😂😂😂
Hence the idea of writing numerous posts and scheduling them is just lost to me😂😂😂


It depends on a lot of factors for sure. I’ve been struggling with some challenges outside of this so I’m glad I have gotten things scheduled. Tonight for example I am in no mood to write, but I am going to attempt tomorrow.


I try to take it as training so I can write something whenever.

Best if my ability to write isn't so dependent on my moods...


I personally like to organise my life, and planning ahead of time so that I know which days are meant for which activities. I find comfort in having a structured life but sometimes it's not always good because people have said I am too inflexible. Lol. I guess I am trying to be a little more spontaneous these days.
