Merry Grinch-mas !


It's that time of the year when we celebrate the most consumerist Holiday of them all: the winter solstice aka Saturnalia ... I mean Christmas. The fact that all those happen near the same date is a total coincidence I'm sure, and not an obvious sign that great ideas just get recycled while pretending we don't notice.

And our current lord and savior: Rampant Consumerism has, of course, blessed this time of year with an orgy of needless shopping for things that we don't need or even want sometimes, but everybody else is doing it so why get left behind right ?

For jaded clowns like me who just want to do their normal shopping without much fuss, it has become an obstacle course of overflowing parking lots, empty shelves and crowds as thick as molasses.

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Christmas Cheer? more like the world is ending kind of vibe, and we've had a lot of those close calls in recent years so I can't say I'm a fan of the atmosphere. And what's with the mandatory happiness during this period anyway? I'll be as grumpy as I like whenever I want. It's like the Holiday equivalent of the Chinese Communist Party telling you how to feel and think.

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Don't get me started on the freaking Christmas songs, same emotionally manipulative crap every year. As a torture method I think it deserves top grades, I would rather be waterboarded than listen to that shit for a whole month like some people do.

Let's not forget about mandatory family time, everybody enjoys cringe discussions with people you barely tolerate the rest of the year.

So Merry Grinch-mas to all ! If you like this Holiday don't let this old clown spoil it for you, but for the few people that don't: I'm here for you, trying to put a smile on your face by pocking some fun at this collective madness :)

11.805 NEOXAG


Let's not forget about mandatory family time, everybody enjoys cringe discussions with people you barely tolerate the rest of the year.

That might be the part I dislike the most. Sometimes its almost comical the amount of fakeness that goes on this time of year. For me the rest is ok in doses but fakeness I despise. I can find enjoyment in most of it but one has to swim through the BS to get there. You are spot on about the commercial aspect. The items going on sale for less than half their Christmas Retail value directly after Christmas is over tells me all I need to know about the items value. Christmas FOMO is real.....

0.000 NEOXAG

I'll call it Fake-mas from now on lol :)) and Happy new year dude! may the gainzzz be with you

0.097 NEOXAG