8 Ways to Earn Crypto in Splinterlands!
8 ways to Earn Crypto in Splinterlands

There is definitely lots of fun to be had as well as earning. I always like to open up any kind of pack I can get in the game and try to flip it later on. There are lots of ways to earn DEC, (Dark Energy Crystals) the in-game token as well as SPS (Splinterlashards), HBD and Hive power on the HIVE Blockchain! The cards in Splinterlands are all NFT's which is awesome! Let's go check out all the different ways to earn that I practice on a daily basis.
Crypto games like Splinterlands can be a very fun way you can earn a passive income. Which basically just means a small way to earn, not like you will be an overnight millionaire driving a Ferrari, lol! No that is not true. Yet, you can work and earn a little by playing the game in different ways.
I am a stay at home Mom of a 29 year of son who has Cerebral Palsy. I am his Home health aide. I have created this account here in Splinterlands that has 12 million collection power as far as my Splinterlands account is concerned, plus a top Guild and I am proud of myself!
I love it here at Splinterlands, the community is so awesome, and the opportunities are simply unlimited! I plan on using some of this income here from the post to buy some Rebellion packs or buy some cheap cards off the market to resell them later on.

Okay so let's look at some of the ways I earn for myself in Splinterlands!
1.) When you battle and win a ranked battle or win in a tournament or play in a brawl and win, you earn SPS! You can also earn by battling daily ranked battles and winning! You will also earn Glint along with your SPS when you win a ranked battle. You can spend that Glint on rewards cards or various levels of loot chests in the Glint shop in game. You will be receiving your end of season rewards of Glint which are given out every 2 weeks.
2.) Create great Splinterlands content on the Hive Blockchain and earn upvotes from Splinterlands and the community! You will receive your upvoted posts rewards in HBD and Hive power! You can even make a video on the Splinterlands @3speak community and receive upvotes for that too! Simply follow the guidelines in the Splinterlands new weekly post about it HERE
You can also follow Splinterlands on Hive and enter their weekly Community Engagement Challenge as well. Make sure to read both posts in their entirety and follow along with all the recommendations and rules such as quality posts. You are not guaranteed an upvote but if you put some time and effort into the post and make it a great one that players will read and be interested in, your chances are higher to receive an upvote! It just needs some length and good quality overall including pictures or videos, etc. To enter the Splinterlands Social media weekly contest HERE

3.) Flippening! Flippening is a lot of fun for me! It is kind of like gambling as you never know what you will or won't pull, lol! Always just buy with what you can afford to lose as we are not guaranteed to pull anything special. When you buy any Splinterlands packs whether they are Alpha, Beta, Orbs, Untamed, Dice packs, Chaos or Rebellion packs and pull a great valuable card, you can then sell it or HODL it and over time watch the price rise as it sometimes does. You are not guaranteed to pull something great as I said of course but over time and with potions, I eventually always do!
I just opened up 7 Rebellion packs I bought of Tribaldex.com and I actually pulled a Legendary Tofu Summoner worth $50! That was awesome! And like I said you do not always pull those but it is fun for me. I can open up a ton of packs and sometimes not get a Legendary or like a few days ago, just these 7 packs and it was there! It was a lucky day for me. Isold it above you will see for $46, a very nice profit for me! My bills are paid this week now! Thank you Splinterlands! 
I also got lucky two days ago at the end of season opening up some Ultimate chests in the Glint shop and pulled two Legendary cards.

4.) Rent your cards out! You can rent out your cards you want to rent out in game under your cards or go to rental market in game or you can go to peakmonsters.com and rent out your cards! Some cards are cheap but leveled up Legendries and Summoners do very well at times! So many people have been renting and I see a shortage of rentals lately after the players are renting them out to get a higher on the leaderboard in ranked battles and for entering tournaments and Guild brawls as well.
5.) Use your referral link to sign up new players with Splinterlands affiliate program! You earn 5% for life when they buy a spellbook, packs, land or potions in-game. This can add up quickly if you have a big following or just know a lot of people not into the game yet.
6.) Trade Cards, DEC and SPS on the market or even player to player. There is a buy-sell channel in the Splinterlands Discord where players trade. Personally, I only use the market as it is simply safe and convenient as well. If you decide to do the player to player buys, you do need to know the person as if you don't you will risk losing your money or cards. There is a big community, and you can check out the channel where players will vouch for one another after deals. I prefer using Monstermarket.io as I get 3% cashback on my purchases. When I was building up my deck I did use this a lot though to get cards I needed and trade with extras I had. DEC and SPS has been very low at times and you can buy it, wait until it goes back up which is often at times during the weekends I noticed.

7.) Win Giveaways! Yes, there are a ton of giveaways throughout the community. I have seen players make huge collections entering them all. The best is of course to Follow Splinterlands on the Hive Blockchain and check out all of their many contests like I showed you above. They have over two a week, just check their blog. If you are an Artist they have a art challenge every week too. Many players such as myself, give away a ton!
Just look for streamers on Twitch, I am clove71 there. There is a giveaways in the Splinterlands community on HIVE as well. You can search and view giveaways on many different Hive posts, Twitter, etc. Follow me on Twitch and YouTube. I am clove71 on all. Make sure you subscribe and click on notifications for when I'm streaming. Then add your name to my live chat for a chance to win a pack or a card!
8.) Land is another way I earn SPS. When you purchase or are gifted a land plot by someone then you put some great cards on it and a title if you have it, maybe a spare Runi lol, and watch your land dish out some SPS every day for you! There are many players that earn thousands of SPS a week by working it like I said with some great cards like Alpha gold ones for example are fantastic and can give certain bonuses depending on your land and what kind of cards it needs, etc.
Right now there are some major deals to be had and that could be another way to earn simply buying low costs on sale cards and hodl time with them and later on down the road re sell it, but there is a lot of SPS to earn from land for sure! You also need to stake some DEC for your plots as well.
There are even more ways to earn in Splinterlsands but for now, this is what I do on a daily and weekly basis to try to earn a bit of crypto in Splinterlands! I hope it helped someone and you can earn a little bit too!
I hope you all earn some crypto and have a great time as I do in Splinterlands! May the Monsters be with you. ~@clove71
My 29 year old son Adil who was born with Cerebral Palsy. They thought he would not live beyond 11 years of age! ❤️ Here he us! I am gere fighting for his rights as a disabled person. ❤️

Twitch Live Streams HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Get in the game now and start earning crypto! HERE
Start Playing Rising Star Today and earning Crypto! HERE
P2E NFT Gaming Twitter HERE
My NFT ART for sale HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community HERE
- At @monstermarket You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE
- Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
- View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz who is @splinterstats HERE please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!
- Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!

Start Playing Now for FREE!
Splinterlands Content Twitter HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Splinterlandsgame IG - HERE
YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community - HERE
Twitch Live Streams HERE

I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep

2.) Create great Splinterlands content on the Hive Blockchain and earn upvotes from Splinterlands and the community! You will receive your upvoted posts rewards in HBD and Hive power! You can even make a video on the Splinterlands @3speak community and receive upvotes for that too! Simply follow the guidelines in the Splinterlands new weekly post about it HERE
You can also follow Splinterlands on Hive and enter their weekly Community Engagement Challenge as well. Make sure to read both posts in their entirety and follow along with all the recommendations and rules such as quality posts. You are not guaranteed an upvote but if you put some time and effort into the post and make it a great one that players will read and be interested in, your chances are higher to receive an upvote! It just needs some length and good quality overall including pictures or videos, etc. To enter the Splinterlands Social media weekly contest HERE

3.) Flippening! Flippening is a lot of fun for me! It is kind of like gambling as you never know what you will or won't pull, lol! Always just buy with what you can afford to lose as we are not guaranteed to pull anything special. When you buy any Splinterlands packs whether they are Alpha, Beta, Orbs, Untamed, Dice packs, Chaos or Rebellion packs and pull a great valuable card, you can then sell it or HODL it and over time watch the price rise as it sometimes does. You are not guaranteed to pull something great as I said of course but over time and with potions, I eventually always do!
I just opened up 7 Rebellion packs I bought of Tribaldex.com and I actually pulled a Legendary Tofu Summoner worth $50! That was awesome! And like I said you do not always pull those but it is fun for me. I can open up a ton of packs and sometimes not get a Legendary or like a few days ago, just these 7 packs and it was there! It was a lucky day for me. Isold it above you will see for $46, a very nice profit for me! My bills are paid this week now! Thank you Splinterlands! 
I also got lucky two days ago at the end of season opening up some Ultimate chests in the Glint shop and pulled two Legendary cards.

4.) Rent your cards out! You can rent out your cards you want to rent out in game under your cards or go to rental market in game or you can go to peakmonsters.com and rent out your cards! Some cards are cheap but leveled up Legendries and Summoners do very well at times! So many people have been renting and I see a shortage of rentals lately after the players are renting them out to get a higher on the leaderboard in ranked battles and for entering tournaments and Guild brawls as well.
5.) Use your referral link to sign up new players with Splinterlands affiliate program! You earn 5% for life when they buy a spellbook, packs, land or potions in-game. This can add up quickly if you have a big following or just know a lot of people not into the game yet.
6.) Trade Cards, DEC and SPS on the market or even player to player. There is a buy-sell channel in the Splinterlands Discord where players trade. Personally, I only use the market as it is simply safe and convenient as well. If you decide to do the player to player buys, you do need to know the person as if you don't you will risk losing your money or cards. There is a big community, and you can check out the channel where players will vouch for one another after deals. I prefer using Monstermarket.io as I get 3% cashback on my purchases. When I was building up my deck I did use this a lot though to get cards I needed and trade with extras I had. DEC and SPS has been very low at times and you can buy it, wait until it goes back up which is often at times during the weekends I noticed.

7.) Win Giveaways! Yes, there are a ton of giveaways throughout the community. I have seen players make huge collections entering them all. The best is of course to Follow Splinterlands on the Hive Blockchain and check out all of their many contests like I showed you above. They have over two a week, just check their blog. If you are an Artist they have a art challenge every week too. Many players such as myself, give away a ton!
Just look for streamers on Twitch, I am clove71 there. There is a giveaways in the Splinterlands community on HIVE as well. You can search and view giveaways on many different Hive posts, Twitter, etc. Follow me on Twitch and YouTube. I am clove71 on all. Make sure you subscribe and click on notifications for when I'm streaming. Then add your name to my live chat for a chance to win a pack or a card!
8.) Land is another way I earn SPS. When you purchase or are gifted a land plot by someone then you put some great cards on it and a title if you have it, maybe a spare Runi lol, and watch your land dish out some SPS every day for you! There are many players that earn thousands of SPS a week by working it like I said with some great cards like Alpha gold ones for example are fantastic and can give certain bonuses depending on your land and what kind of cards it needs, etc.
Right now there are some major deals to be had and that could be another way to earn simply buying low costs on sale cards and hodl time with them and later on down the road re sell it, but there is a lot of SPS to earn from land for sure! You also need to stake some DEC for your plots as well.
There are even more ways to earn in Splinterlsands but for now, this is what I do on a daily and weekly basis to try to earn a bit of crypto in Splinterlands! I hope it helped someone and you can earn a little bit too!
I hope you all earn some crypto and have a great time as I do in Splinterlands! May the Monsters be with you. ~@clove71
My 29 year old son Adil who was born with Cerebral Palsy. They thought he would not live beyond 11 years of age! ❤️ Here he us! I am gere fighting for his rights as a disabled person. ❤️

Twitch Live Streams HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Get in the game now and start earning crypto! HERE
Start Playing Rising Star Today and earning Crypto! HERE
P2E NFT Gaming Twitter HERE
My NFT ART for sale HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community HERE
- At @monstermarket You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE
- Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
- View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz who is @splinterstats HERE please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!
- Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!

Start Playing Now for FREE!
Splinterlands Content Twitter HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Splinterlandsgame IG - HERE
YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community - HERE
Twitch Live Streams HERE

I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep

You can also follow Splinterlands on Hive and enter their weekly Community Engagement Challenge as well. Make sure to read both posts in their entirety and follow along with all the recommendations and rules such as quality posts. You are not guaranteed an upvote but if you put some time and effort into the post and make it a great one that players will read and be interested in, your chances are higher to receive an upvote! It just needs some length and good quality overall including pictures or videos, etc. To enter the Splinterlands Social media weekly contest HERE
3.) Flippening! Flippening is a lot of fun for me! It is kind of like gambling as you never know what you will or won't pull, lol! Always just buy with what you can afford to lose as we are not guaranteed to pull anything special. When you buy any Splinterlands packs whether they are Alpha, Beta, Orbs, Untamed, Dice packs, Chaos or Rebellion packs and pull a great valuable card, you can then sell it or HODL it and over time watch the price rise as it sometimes does. You are not guaranteed to pull something great as I said of course but over time and with potions, I eventually always do!

4.) Rent your cards out! You can rent out your cards you want to rent out in game under your cards or go to rental market in game or you can go to peakmonsters.com and rent out your cards! Some cards are cheap but leveled up Legendries and Summoners do very well at times! So many people have been renting and I see a shortage of rentals lately after the players are renting them out to get a higher on the leaderboard in ranked battles and for entering tournaments and Guild brawls as well.
5.) Use your referral link to sign up new players with Splinterlands affiliate program! You earn 5% for life when they buy a spellbook, packs, land or potions in-game. This can add up quickly if you have a big following or just know a lot of people not into the game yet.
6.) Trade Cards, DEC and SPS on the market or even player to player. There is a buy-sell channel in the Splinterlands Discord where players trade. Personally, I only use the market as it is simply safe and convenient as well. If you decide to do the player to player buys, you do need to know the person as if you don't you will risk losing your money or cards. There is a big community, and you can check out the channel where players will vouch for one another after deals. I prefer using Monstermarket.io as I get 3% cashback on my purchases. When I was building up my deck I did use this a lot though to get cards I needed and trade with extras I had. DEC and SPS has been very low at times and you can buy it, wait until it goes back up which is often at times during the weekends I noticed.
7.) Win Giveaways! Yes, there are a ton of giveaways throughout the community. I have seen players make huge collections entering them all. The best is of course to Follow Splinterlands on the Hive Blockchain and check out all of their many contests like I showed you above. They have over two a week, just check their blog. If you are an Artist they have a art challenge every week too. Many players such as myself, give away a ton!
Just look for streamers on Twitch, I am clove71 there. There is a giveaways in the Splinterlands community on HIVE as well. You can search and view giveaways on many different Hive posts, Twitter, etc. Follow me on Twitch and YouTube. I am clove71 on all. Make sure you subscribe and click on notifications for when I'm streaming. Then add your name to my live chat for a chance to win a pack or a card!
8.) Land is another way I earn SPS. When you purchase or are gifted a land plot by someone then you put some great cards on it and a title if you have it, maybe a spare Runi lol, and watch your land dish out some SPS every day for you! There are many players that earn thousands of SPS a week by working it like I said with some great cards like Alpha gold ones for example are fantastic and can give certain bonuses depending on your land and what kind of cards it needs, etc.
Right now there are some major deals to be had and that could be another way to earn simply buying low costs on sale cards and hodl time with them and later on down the road re sell it, but there is a lot of SPS to earn from land for sure! You also need to stake some DEC for your plots as well.
There are even more ways to earn in Splinterlsands but for now, this is what I do on a daily and weekly basis to try to earn a bit of crypto in Splinterlands! I hope it helped someone and you can earn a little bit too!
I hope you all earn some crypto and have a great time as I do in Splinterlands! May the Monsters be with you. ~@clove71
My 29 year old son Adil who was born with Cerebral Palsy. They thought he would not live beyond 11 years of age! ❤️ Here he us! I am gere fighting for his rights as a disabled person. ❤️

Twitch Live Streams HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Get in the game now and start earning crypto! HERE
Start Playing Rising Star Today and earning Crypto! HERE
P2E NFT Gaming Twitter HERE
My NFT ART for sale HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community HERE
- At @monstermarket You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE
- Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
- View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz who is @splinterstats HERE please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!
- Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!

Start Playing Now for FREE!
Splinterlands Content Twitter HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Splinterlandsgame IG - HERE
YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community - HERE
Twitch Live Streams HERE

I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep

8.) Land is another way I earn SPS. When you purchase or are gifted a land plot by someone then you put some great cards on it and a title if you have it, maybe a spare Runi lol, and watch your land dish out some SPS every day for you! There are many players that earn thousands of SPS a week by working it like I said with some great cards like Alpha gold ones for example are fantastic and can give certain bonuses depending on your land and what kind of cards it needs, etc.
Right now there are some major deals to be had and that could be another way to earn simply buying low costs on sale cards and hodl time with them and later on down the road re sell it, but there is a lot of SPS to earn from land for sure! You also need to stake some DEC for your plots as well.
There are even more ways to earn in Splinterlsands but for now, this is what I do on a daily and weekly basis to try to earn a bit of crypto in Splinterlands! I hope it helped someone and you can earn a little bit too!
I hope you all earn some crypto and have a great time as I do in Splinterlands! May the Monsters be with you. ~@clove71
My 29 year old son Adil who was born with Cerebral Palsy. They thought he would not live beyond 11 years of age! ❤️ Here he us! I am gere fighting for his rights as a disabled person. ❤️

Twitch Live Streams HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Get in the game now and start earning crypto! HERE
Start Playing Rising Star Today and earning Crypto! HERE
P2E NFT Gaming Twitter HERE
My NFT ART for sale HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community HERE
- At @monstermarket You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE
- Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
- View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz who is @splinterstats HERE please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!
- Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!

Start Playing Now for FREE!
Splinterlands Content Twitter HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Splinterlandsgame IG - HERE
YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community - HERE
Twitch Live Streams HERE

I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep

Twitch Live Streams HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Get in the game now and start earning crypto! HERE
Start Playing Rising Star Today and earning Crypto! HERE
P2E NFT Gaming Twitter HERE
My NFT ART for sale HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community HERE
- At @monstermarket You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE
- Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
- View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz who is @splinterstats HERE please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!
- Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!
Start Playing Now for FREE!
Splinterlands Content Twitter HERE
Splinterlands Discord HERE
Splinterlandsgame IG - HERE
YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE
3Speak HIVE Splinterlands Community - HERE
Twitch Live Streams HERE
I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep
Nice post! go play and earn <3 @clove71 best streamer with a lot of giveaways
Old information but always fresh for newcomers or attracting newcomers.
Wish all the best to you and your family, especially your son!
It’s just what I do everyday in Splinterlands as a player. Everyone plays the game different for sure. 👍
Thank you! 😊
It's easy to earn in Splinterlands once you are familiar with the game and know what you are doing :)
Great post!
Right!? I agree. I don’t like to sell cards I love to hodl them instead! 😂 It’s been great for me though, I have earned a lot playing this game.
Splinterlands is truly a game-changer in the Play-to-Earn world, and posts like this remind us how much opportunity is out there if we just dive in. 🚀 Thanks for sharing this, Clove71! I’ll be bookmarking this for sure. Have a nice day! $Pimp
It's nice to see how you share your experiences and ways to earn some money in Splinterland. Reading your post, I could see that you are people like us who have ups and downs and that's why you sold some cards, and you also present your situation as a mother. God bless you.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria