Always present (eng-esp)

I woke up a little reflective today. Looking through my gallery I found a recent photo of what I think was my last visit to a cafe.

This day was very interesting. I had to do a show, but due to technical problems it could not be carried out. As my mom would say, "What happens is convenient." I also had to finish a job, and I was with my friends. So, what was the only thing that was missing to be able to focus four creative brains? Exactly, a coffee.

Then we were there. There were no selfies that day. Everyone was focused on their own little world to finish their tasks. However, what kept us together at that moment, was the presence of the coffee itself.

I look at the photo again and I think how this one has become indispensable in my day to day. I'm sure it's not an addiction, because I know how to control the amounts I take, and there are days when I don't even do it. But I will always prefer to start the day with a cup of bitter and steaming coffee.

I am grateful then that there are communities like this that allow me to express this love that I have. To all of you, thank you very much. I guess that there's not much to say today but this appreciation, wich is the purpose of the post. I hope you enjoyed this blog, it seems more like a confession. We will read each other soon.

This post is AI-free.
All photos used are my property.

Siempre presente

Versión en Español

Hoy me he levantado un poco reflexivo. Revisando mi galería encontré una foto reciente de la que creo fue mi última visita a un café.

Este día fue muy interesante. Tenía que realizar un show, pero por problemas técnicos no se pudo llevar a cabo. Como diría mi mamá, "lo que sucede conviene". También tenía que terminar de realizar un trabajo, y me encontraba junto a mis amigos. Entonces, ¿que era lo único que faltaba para poder centrar cuatro cerebros creadores? Exacto, un café.

Entonces allí estuvimos. Ese día no hubo selfies. Cada cual estaba concentrado en su pequeño mundo para terminar sus tareas. Sin embargo, lo que nos mantuvo unidos en ese momento, fue la presencia del propio café.

Vuelvo a mirar la foto y pienso cómo este se ha vuelto indispensable en mi día a día. Estoy seguro de que no es una adicción, porque sé controlar las cantidades que tomo, y hay días en los que no siquiera lo hago. Pero siempre voy a preferir comenzar el día con una taza de café amargo y humeante.

Agradezco entonces que existan comunidades como esta que me permiten expresar este amor que tengo. A todos ustedes, muchas gracias. Supongo que no hay mucho para decir excepto estas apreciaciones, lo que es el objetivo del post. Espero que hayan disfrutado de este blog, que parece más una confesión. Nos leemos pronto.

Este post es libre de IA.
Todas las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.


Sometimes focusing on your own activities with a group of people feels like a dose of no effort socializing... Friends don't always need to be involved in the same things to enjoy coffee together, and I think that is wonderful :)


I think you completely got it. Thanks for your support 🙏🏼❤️.


Ha. That's my preferred way of starting the day, too. And by "preferred" I mean, it becomes dangerous for others if I don't have it :)) We're grateful to have such dedicated contributors in our community too!
This is brew-tiful! Thanks for stopping by! ;).png


This cafeteria with great feeling you visited and tasted the coffee here. This coffee is really consistent and enjoyable. Where there is a combination of milk with coffee mate. Thank you very much for sharing the feeling of having coffee with us with great feeling.


Thank you for this beautiful comment 🙏🏼✨


you are most Wellcome my dear friend my pleasure
