Silly me! I was just being childish

One way or the other, we might have been childish in our behaviour even when we have come of age. Ive done silly things in my life. Can I list a few? Okay, let's go
Silly things I did
There are just a few
Walking in the river to know the depth
I was at a river with my friends and I brought the idea of knowing how deep was. Then I lead the movement. I started walking at the front while others followed slowly. The river was getting deeper as I move and silly me "I can't swim. Suddenly, I heard a sound like a crocodile. I rushed back and lo and behold, it was only me. My friends were at the bank of the river laughing as I struggle to escape for my dear life. Hahahahha 😂. No crocodile, my friends made the sound to get me back from my silly journey
Sleeping with my meat in my hands
This was a very long time ago. I was given plenty of meat because I helped my mum to do home chores that my sisters refused to do. My sisters begged me to share it with them which I refused. I ate and ate till I was about to sleep. Knowing fully well that they would eat it when I sleep, I held the last pieces in my hand firmly and slept. I don't sleep like a log. With a simple touch, my eyes would open so I was sure they can't have their ways to collect the meat without a touch. But when I woke in the morning, I couldn't find my meat. I looked everywhere but there was no sign of my lovely meat. They laughed and made jest of me. At last, I found it under my pillow. With joy, I rinsed it, sprayed some soup on it and ate it in their presence. They still couldn't help but laughed and called me names
One love
So you carry two leg put for river to check the depth, wow aquatic kid 😂😂.
,😂😂😂😂😂. No mind me. I dey very stupid. What if crocodile don chop me?