(ENG/ESP) Delicious lunch, arroz con pollo a la jardinera with parsley carrot rain and guasacaca.

Wonderful morning let's have all my beautiful loves, special for all those who make life in this creative and amazing community of flavors, today Friday I want to present it in the preparation of a delicious and simple lunch of rice with chicken a la jardinera with carrot, parsley and mayonnaise, I have you a dish which I really like my nephew Eduardo Sebastian and says preparing to surprise and pamper him, so join me once again to know the step by step of this work hoping as always that it will be to your liking.


Maravillosa mañana tengamos todos mis amores bonitos, especial para todos aquellos que hacen vida en esta creativa y sorprendente comunidad de sabores, hoy viernes quiero presentarla en la preparación de un delicioso y sencillo almuerzo de arroz con pollo a la jardinera con zanahoria, perejil y guasacaca, te tengo un platillo el cual me gusta mucho a mi sobrino Eduardo Sebastián y dice preparando para sorprenderlo y consentirlo, así que acompáñame una vez más para que conozca el paso a paso de este trabajo esperando como siempre que sea de su agrado.

Chicken, onion, paprika, sweet chili, parsley, oil, salt, cube, color, rice, soy sauce, guasacaca, carrot zucchini.

Pollo, cebolla, pimentón, ají dulces, perejil, aceite, sal, cúbito, color, orégano, arroz, salsa de soja, guasacaca, zanahoria, calabacin.

We begin this recipe by chopping the chicken pieces of the size of our preference then peel and chop the seasonings such as onion, paprika, sweet bell pepper to then crush the head of garlic also peel and chop into small squares the carrot, having ready all these ingredients we proceed to assemble our cauldron to fire with a little oil the chicken zucchini seasonings with salt to taste, cube, color, soy sauce, oregano we proceed to stir and let it stew then we add the 3 cups of rice together with the 8 cups of water we stir everything we incorporate the parsley we cover our cauldron and let it cook for approximately 25 or 30 minutes until the rice softens and everything is cooked, we remove from the fire and at the time of serving on our plate we will garnish with guasacaca and parsley leaves, remaining as always I show you in the photos.







Iniciamos esta receta picando las piezas de pollo del tamaño de nuestra preferencia seguidamente pelar y picar los aliños como cebolla, pimentón, ají dulces para seguidamente triturar la cabeza de ajo también pelar y picar en cuadritos pequeños la zanahoria, calabacin al tener listo todo estos ingredientes procedemos a montar nuestro caldero al fuego con un poco de aceite el pollo los aliños con sal al gusto, cúbito, color, salsa de soja, orégano procedemos a revolver y dejar guisar luego le agregamos las 3 tazas de arroz en conjunto con las 8 tazas de agua revolvemos todo le incorporamos el perejil tapamos nuestro caldero y dejar en cocción por un tiempo aproximado de 25 o 30 minutos hasta que se ablande el arroz y todo esté cocido, retiramos del fuego y a la hora de servir en nuestro plato vamos aderezar con guasacaca y hojas de perejil, quedando como siempre les muestro en las fotos.

Thank you for reading me and your valuable support.
The photos are from me @cielitorojo

Gracias por leerme y su valioso apoyo.
Las fotos son de mí @cielitorojo
Traducido con traductor de Deepl.


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?