The Art of Emotional Reflection: A Music Review of Vibes Web3 competition, Week 29
This week's theme for Vibes is an intriguing one. It centers on songs from the '90s. As we all know, there's nothing more soothing than hearing melodies sung in this era—that nostalgic feeling, you know. Just something to take our minds off the contemporary party and hip-hop vibe.
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Sometimes, we need to feel, absorb, and reflect on life, and this is what the Vibes community is bringing to our table this week.
I've already started seeing some beautiful entries flooding in. Guess what? This week is going to be quite special—I just feel it, like butterflies in my stomach. The faces I'm seeing? The voices I'm hearing? Wow! I wouldn't say more than this.
Well, last week, we did see a lot of entries. I had a tough time predicting who the winner was going to be… Wait, I couldn't even predict who would be nominated into the top six. Yeah, it's quite hard—harder than you think—especially when every artist comes up with a different style, a different concept, and, of course… a unique voice!
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Let's pull our thoughts back to this week. I've been watching and observing, as I usually do, and there was a voice I came across some hours ago that made me go, Damn! You all need to hear this.
What made it special was the fact that the artist merged voice, storytelling, and emotions into a beautiful piece. Wow!
Can you guess what makes an entry special? Performance !
Yes, you heard that right—"performance." Many have a compelling voice but lack the art of storytelling. Many can send chills down your spine with their unique, made-in-heaven voice, but how many can draw you out of your world into an alternate universe where your soul connects with that of the artist? Well, I'll leave that to your thoughts.
Without further ado, I'll quickly highlight the artist that inspired this write-up. Surprised that songs can inspire a write-up, huh? Well, they do a whole lot more, just so you know.
Well, it's none other than:
@noah45 with the Vibes Week 29 entry.
This artist brought a different taste to my ears—one different from what I usually hear. He's definitely good with riffs, I must confess—something I suck at! But it's not just that. His ability to do this while drawing me into his world concurrently is what amazes me.
Most artists who are good with riffs make it the center of attraction, so we're drawn to the peripheral surface of their enticing vocal display but often don't relate with them on a deeper level as humans. Perhaps it's because Christian songs are known to catapult us into a different dimension, or maybe it's the lyrics, or just a unique gift … I'll leave that to your imagination once again.
It's still not over, as more entries keep trooping in. Keep your eyes wide open and your ears prepared—this is only the beginning.
It's the Vibes Web3 Music Competition, Week 29. See you again!
Incredible voice, Noah really does it very, very well. ❤️
Yh, right?
He was amazing.
Enchanting voice, I'd say.