Satisfaction: An end point or a process


It started like every other day, the low tempo, subtle and smooth, it's rhythm felt like pulsating vessels interconnecting into my bones and mind, compelling me to bop my head to Jungles "keep me satisfied."

This was more than a song to me, it was a reminder of the importance of satisfaction. A reminder we hear not so often.

As soon as the song was played, the room lit up like the sun rays on an early Saturday morning. I felt alive. I was no stranger to this rhythm but this time around, it struck a chord, one so deep that I got hit with the realization that I need to be satisfied with the little gifts I have: The gift of waking up to breath in your nostrils, the gift of having daily meals, the gift of friendship, the gift of love, and of the little achievements.

Life has a way of focusing and directing our actions on the wrong things. That endless pursuit of Earthly goals to connote a meaning of 'success' and 'happiness,' just drives us farther away from satisfaction. In medicine, it's called the 'positive feedback mechanism' the more you get, the more you strive to get more. There's no point where you'll be settled with that 'hey, I'm satisfied' mentality. I Don't think that's possible—we're only humans.

I'm often caught in this insatiable web, thirsting for more and more until every feel of satisfaction is lost, leaving me like an empty tank that never gets filled.

But there's something about "Keep me satisfied." It's not a sad song but an energetic tune reminding us that satisfaction isn't about the end point of goal achievement, rather, it's a process, something derived on our long journey to achieving a certain goal. It's not necessarily about lifting the trophy but the joy that comes from every goal celebration that might qualify us for that trophy... or not.

As the song filled the atmosphere, I got lost in it, releasing my mind for the first time in a while and I guess that's where real satisfaction actually lies, in those moments where just decide to live life in the beauty of the present. Just live in it; accepting the blessings and joy that come with it, and not killing yourself over a goal that you might never achieve. Pursue you dreams, yes. But don't take it as the only thing that will make you happy because you might get dissapionted.

The song made me think about the little things of life. I mean, that delicious tasty burger, the college degree I just acquired, the beautiful smile I see on my mum's face, and of course, the fresh warm feel of the sunlight.

Sometimes in the past, I used to think life was about hitting the nail on the spot, you know, like that jackpot! But "keep me satisfied" by Jungle brought this certain realization that made me cherish the moment. The future we fight so hard to see might never come, so why live our present in a cloud of unhappiness when it might be our only shot at an inner fulfillment.

As the song came to an end, I wore a smile on my face. It was as if I had read a thousand books about life. Meanwhile, it was just a song flooding my fragile mind with reality. The reality that life has no permanent satisfaction.

The song finally came to a halt and I felt my resolve was about slipping away. But I said no, then hit the replay button. I kept replaying the song, over and over again... and it kept reminding that:

'true satisfaction comes from embracing our journey'.

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life is full of satisfaction, you have to satisfy a lot through sacrifice just to make things right, which keeps you on the trend to receive satisfaction on what you are doing at all time.

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