The Purpose Of Our Existence 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.


From creation, our Creator has planned our purpose. We were created to do good. The purpose of our Creator is our purpose. That purpose of our Creator is for us to be doers of good works. The Bible tells us so. It is the Bible that reveals the mysteries of God to us. We are created to be doers of good works to our fellow man.

When we look at the way God created us and the features that He gave to us, we will notice that God did not create us as the wild animals. The wild animals are meant to kill others for their survival. We are not like them. We are not meant to harm each other. We are not created to kill others. We are not in the class of the carnivores. God did not plan that we should be wild or destroyers.

When we look at our hands, we will see that God created us to be peaceful and caring. We have succulent hands that can touch and render help. We have a caring and nurturing feature. We are created to be caring and helpful. We are not created to be wild.

So, our purpose is for good work. We will render good works in caring for others. We are to help and support lives. We are not to kill and cause harm. We do not possess poisoning features. We are meant to do good to one another.

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Exactly sister
We should do good to people around us that is our reasonable service and the very reason for our existence

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