Only Prayers Is Not Enough. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.
Christians are people who trust God for everything that they need. That is how it is supposed to be. We should put our trust in God for everything. We rely on God's Word and believe every of His promise for our lives.
Sometimes, most people don't do that. They lean on their own understanding which the Bible has warned that we should not. They trust their resources more than God. To those people, prayer is not an option to them. The Bible says that the arm of flesh shall fail. Those who trust in their abilities, not regarding God will certainly meet with failure.
However, when we pray we should understand that our prayers will not work without putting our faith to practice. How do we put our faith to practice? We should work out to ensure that what we prayed for is achieved. Praying without faith cannot work. Our prayers are strengthened by our faith in the ability of God and in His Word. The faith itself is dead without work. So, we should understand that we have to work in order to make our faith work.
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