La noche con su hermosa luna que nos habla/The night with its beautiful moon that speaks to us
Hola amigos , bendiciones para todos ustedes, me ausente unos días , porque ando de viaje imprevisto, espero que la estén pasando bien, amigos miren que linda está esa luna , con esa forma en las nubes , parecen nubarrones , forma y color muy bellos ,ya es de noche y se aprecia su belleza magestuosa, se forman esos copitos mágicos, que parece nos quisieran contar algo,quizás sea así pero como interpretar tanta belleza si no es con un suspiro que salga de nuestro adentro,solo suspirar por tan hermosa maravilla , un tremendo regalo que nos da nuestro Dios , muchas gracias amigos míos gracias , bendiciones.@chiqui92
Hello friends, blessings to all of you, I'm away for a few days, because I'm on an unforeseen trip, I hope you are having a good time, friends, look how beautiful that moon is, with that shape in the clouds, they look like clouds, very beautiful shape and color, It is already night and you can appreciate its majestic beauty, those magical little glasses are formed, which seem to want to tell us something, perhaps it is like that but how can we interpret so much beauty if not with a sigh that comes from within us, just sighing for such a beautiful wonder , a tremendous gift that our God gives us, thank you very much my friends, thank you, blessings.@chiqui92