Move Out from your Box: Week 162
An interesting topic was created again by sir galen for this week, I chose a topic about a quote by Marcus Aurelius which is as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts.
The said quote had deep meaning since it involves our mind and soul. We all know that our mind is located at the top of our body which symbolizes that it controls anything under it especially when it comes to decision making. What we think will be processed by our brain and turns it into actions commanding our muscles to move.
Every day we are using our brain to think and create action but like a third law of motion states, in every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, our brain dictates what to do but it's no longer responsible for the consequences, it's already the soul of a human who is liable to the outcome.
The quote Marcus wanna say that our thoughts shape our character, mind, character, etc. What runs through our mind reflects our everyday actions affecting us and the people around us. It begins with our thoughts. If we feed the good thoughts, we grow the pathways in our minds that will help to get us where we need to go. While if we continue to dig the same hole that we wish to get out of we will only sink deeper into the same thought processes that keep us where we’re at.
The quote wanna tell us that it's a matter of trying and trying no matter if we failed many times, there are instances in which life challenges us but it's a matter of strong will to strive and survive. Our mind reflects our soul since if our mind is weak our soul is also weak however, if we always think positively our thoughts will neglect all negativities that may come.
One of the best examples in life is, keeping ourselves inside our comfort zone, we are afraid to go out and try other things since we are afraid of failure, and we keep digging the same hole or doing the same thing we do before until we realize that we already created a deep pit and we can't go out from that deep pit.
Until we are buried and our mind and soul stayed on it. That's why it's very important to try other things, move out of your zone and discover other things, it's okay to fail many times but in that failure at least we tried and learned from it.