The sharpest killer



There is this saying that I always hear " Our greatest enemy is our mouth" I do not have idea if it's an adage,a biblical word or was quoted by someone but I strongly believe in this phrase. A lot can be touched through the words of our mouth either positively or negatively. It can heal and at the same time damage,it can save and at the same time kill . Our tongue has two impact, one have to choose wisely how to use them.

Words have power to hurt people worse than they get hurt physically,words should be used cautiously. One must be careful about the words one use or even the words you allow people speak to you ,so they don't manifest bad omen into your life. Thinking twice before speaking with anyone is very important . Once a word is spoken it can't be retaken, so one Should always be speaking good words only.


Words can be dangerous,You can murder a person with your words not until you kill with a gun or knife,you have to be careful because one wear what what one speak. I came across comment on Facebook the girl said anyone that judge someone bcos of his or her write up is a fool but she herself is the fool, a fool doesn't know he/she is a fool. Why won't I judge you based on what you expressed? You are what you say.Some will even use disgusting body language that can low other's self esteem,that discouraged and kill their dream, word having power is supposed to speak positively into ones life, to declare good things.

God gave us the ability to speak but he told us to choose wisely how we use them. I believe there should be punishment for anyone who speak hurtful words into another person's life. Even the Bible says that " life and death are in the power tongue and he said you reap the consequences of whatsoever you choice you choose . Meaning there is consequences for ones words.

If anyone should speak ill of you, talk to such person that you don't like it bcos sometimes words can be spoken out of been playing and it will hurt the receiver of that words, so it is best to speak out once mind concerning any words used on you that you don't like but if such person continues then they should be proper measure taken against such person. I think paying some fine unless, spending some time behind bars or house arrest should should be done. Then people will be cautious of what they speak and the world would be a better place.


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