
Actually, it depends on what kind of music l'm listening and how I'm feeling in that moment.
I consider music to be a fiercely magical thing that pulls one from the deepest cores . It brings back memories to our recollection.


I always say that music, like perfumes, takes me back to a time in my life. They remind me of times and events that I could never have recollected otherwise.
With music, it's easy to recall what happened when you i heard a particular song the first, and I could clip it to the situation at the time.

It is how I manage my moods, celebrate my joys, and reflect. I use it for walking, meditation, and emotional release. There are frozen parts of memories woven into some of the old songs from when I was younger. Songs that remind me of childhood, friends, events, bad times, good times... you name it.

How I feel when listening to music depends on how the music takes me. It is a rainbow with colors never seen, emotions i recall, and images of possibility.

I won't lie, but sometimes i feel nothing(mostly when I'm not listening, just hearing the song).
Sometimes, the beat has a kinetic, impelling effect that makes me dive with energy into what I'm doing.
Sometimes, I get this incredible sense of rising. Like I'm about to float off the ground and be in air. Lightness.
Sometimes, I feel stripped off all my defences, and it's like I can feel my cracks and feel my knees losing their strength. Sometimes, it gives my anger the strength to bite through walls. The right amount of audacity and vigor.

I describe my feelings when I hear music as being on a sort of time traveling, sentimental, nostalgic wave of vibration (depending upon the song, the
style, the mood, the genre, the era, and the
message) that provides a well-needed escape to happier times yet to come; or a long-awaited precious memory of something long lost; or a desperately required, stress-relieving fit of pent-up anger released through song; or of reflecting window into my childhood and beyond.

For me, music is my personal savior. I listen to music to enhance every aspect of my life - to help relax me or put me to sleep(rarely); to meditate or deeply trance myself to a higher frequency; to get up and going in the mornings before i start my day; to set the tone for events or any special times in your life.

Music gives me answers to questions and clarity, and it activates me in ways I couldn't possibly describe. It is, in my opinion, one of the very strongest influences that a human being can create and/ or experience.

Music has the power to manipulate - to exciten, to gladden, to sadden, to invoke thought, to enrage, to influence change, to ignite ambition, to cause self-reflection, to trigger new ideas, to inflame fresh motivation, to remind you of who you are, and to reveal the great extents of who you have the potential to become..

I really do not have a song that I consider a favorite one as every song in my Playlist is as dear to me as it tells a story. Every single song on my Playlist have been ayed over a hundred times, and each one did their magic every time.

However, I think that one of the songs which has manged to dish at all of the emotions and done it all for me was Mma mma by Afy Douglas. It's an incredible gospel music amd although haven't played it in a while, i fancy it very much cause it spunds new and better everytime i hear it. It speaks to me, and it is therapy for me.

Thanks for gracing this post.

2.777 NEOXAG


Hah! You remind me of this song. It used to be my favorite at some point in my life. That was years ago. I even recall telling the artiste that I loved the song, one time when I bumped into him. I should have it in my music playlist. Let me revisit it and enjoy the sound.

0.000 NEOXAG