
Action and reaction are equal but opposite- Newtons third law.

This law came to my mind when I saw this topic. We know that we get results by putting in effort. We exert little force and get little effect. When we do things, half-baked, half-baked results are what should be expected. I know it doesn’t always apply in life due to certain circumstances, but then...

Whenever I think of efforts and equivalent results and putting in the work and reaping as sowed, there are moments that float like a bubble in my mind. They may not be many, but one stands out for me. It was a while ago, but I could never forget it. Looking back, I feel like it was my first major moment/ experience on getting rewards for my input, and maybe that's why it is implanted firmly in my mind and why i can'tresist sharing. Even now, years after, I find myself drawing strength and inspiration from then to push myself to put my mind to something, show up, and be consistent.

Image is mine

It was while I was yet in high school. Senior class one, to be precise. We have only begun the senior classes, and I was just excited to be a senior student. One day, out of the blues, one of my elder brothers called me into his room, made me go grab my school bag, and sit beside him on his home worktable where he was working. And then he made me study. And so, every evening, that was how it went. He'd make me very milky tea and give me biscuits in between my reading. While I enjoyed that part, the tea part, I didn't like the study aspect(in the beginning).

I like to read and all, but I don't like being made to do so. Every evening, I'd hear my friends playing and giggling just outside, but I would be stuck onside reading. It usually lasted a few hours, after which I'd be too exhausted and would just want to eat and hit the bed.

I won't lie, it wasn't fun in the start. But little by little, I loved it. I looked forward to it. I didn't wait to be called before I picked my stuff to go read there. What made it thrilling was the fact that I knew the pages of each book for each subject, like the back of my hand. And until today, I can reel out words from some of those books just as I had written them. It was actual study.

When I started to enjoy the activity and to go to class each day and flow with the teachings even better, it ignited in me the zeal to not stop. I realized how very easy and fun reading could be. It's the chief reason, to this day, why I am absolutely confident in my ability to read for and ace any exam(if I put in the work).
Boy! I studied. I read like it was the core of my living. I read every single note and textbook and even did more than I was required.

I may not have had a goal then for the efforts. I'm guessing my bro did, but you can be sure I smashed. Heck! I wasn't a dull student. I didn't go beyond fifth position in secondary school(to think I was always first from nursey through primary), but that session, i outdid me. I recall I didn't make below 55 in my exams. For a particular teacher who took us three subjects, I made nothing below 59 in his subjects(I give him credit for that. He's an excellent teacher).

Wo! This is getting too lengthy. Long story short. I got distinctions in all subjects, plus I was published as "top flyer" thar session. My bro gets the credit for all of that experience, but I could never forget that my results are a reaction to my effort. You know, garbage in - garbage out.

Thanks for gracing this post.

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